
Kees club

Posted: 13 Jul 2008

Taken: 13 Jul 2008

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560 visits

Icking - The Fog 1

Icking - The Fog 1
Sometimes the citizens of Icking have a view, and sometimes not. Sometimes, the view is the lack thereof.

, , Sherry ~ Rebujito have particularly liked this photo

9 comments - The latest ones
 Sherry ~ Rebujito
Sherry ~ Rebujito
incredibly awesome shot Kees.
16 years ago.
Kees club has replied to Sherry ~ Rebujito
Thanks, Sherry, I wonder why it isn’t on “What’s hot”... ;-)
16 years ago.
Sherry ~ Rebujito has replied to Kees club
;-) okay smartass you really want me to go there??? LOL LOL LOL
hmmm today is my long day at work...but I'm sure later I can initiate some hyper commenting ;-PPPPP
16 years ago.
Kees club has replied to Sherry ~ Rebujito
Please don’t! :-)
16 years ago.
Sherry ~ Rebujito has replied to Kees club
hee hee I really should muuuwwaahh haa haa!!! ;-)
16 years ago.
Das sieht ganz schön bedrohlich aus, Mann! Aber coole Aufnahme!
16 years ago.
Kees club has replied to renovatio06
Danke, Werner! Wir fühlten uns glücklicherweise nicht bedroht: Der Nebel reichte (wie meistens) nicht ganz bis uns hinauf und verschwand dann auch recht bald wieder. Aber Autofahren möchte ich in der Suppe nicht!
16 years ago.

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