tiabunna's photos
The Cooperage
Built in Sydney in 1901 to manufacture rum barrels (a rum distillery was nearby), this building has been preserved and the interior now rebuilt as executive offices, though with some historic links, such as the old barrel lift and some other old equipment (PiPs). There also is now a very good coffee shop (with the folded black umbrella seen in the first PiP). Happy Wednesday Wall, everyone.
23 Nov 2024
21 favorites
This is the end
For Monday Macros #389, 25 Nov 2024, "ends" in any form . To expand on the title, this is the rubber end: the sharp end is in the PiP. Here's a music link to match the title.
Convention Centre Benches
Not only are there benches in the International Convention Centre, there are also windows with views of part of Sydney Harbour and the central city area. Happy Bench Monday, everyone.
International Convention Centre
The International Convention Centre in Sydney is a large modern building alongside the harbour.
Wishing everyone a Happy Fence Friday and a great weekend to follow.
Rust and rock wall
The Pyrmont area of Sydney was once a maritime and industrial centre. This wall, excavated from Sydney sandstone, has these fascinating rusty old fittings from long ago. HWW, everyone.
17 Nov 2024
31 favorites
Wollemi and water
For Macro Mondays weekly project No 388: theme "Leaf of my favourite tree". This was taken just after a shower of rain left some water droplets.
The Wollemi is a fascinating Australian tree. Rare in nature (fewer than 100 in a National Park),These trees were first discovered as recently as 1994 only about 150km from the city of Sydney, having previously been known only as fossils - some dating back 200M years! The most recent known fossil was 4M years old. To help preserve these trees, they have since been grown and sold extensively. I have previously posted photos of this tree here.
Garden bench
It's already another Monday! Wishing everyone a Happy Bench Monday and a good week to follow.
This was taken in Sydney on a rather grey morning.
Friday fence and ferry
Just back after nearly a week away and just in time for Friday Fences.
Wishing everyone a Happy Fence Friday and a great weekend to follow.
A wall for the Ladies
The little sign above the door at right explains the image title. Unfortunately there is not also an artwork on the other side for the Men.
Happy Wednesday Wall, everyone, whether or not your wall has artwork. :-)
I'll be a little cheeky and also add this the Friday Fence group . I'm heading away until next week though and will be offline, so HFF and best wishes to everyone for the weekend and the coming week.