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Venice Beach

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10 comments - The latest ones
Berny club
this is wonderful,....great series, SuperMarina!
16 years ago.
SuperMarina has replied to Berny club
Thanks! The waves are becoming more and more photogenic as winter comes closer. Not that there's much winter in Los Angeles, but it will get a bit colder, and it may even rain...
16 years ago.
 Jason Elkins
Jason Elkins
Venice Beach... a great place to loose reality for a while.

great color here!
16 years ago.
SuperMarina has replied to Jason Elkins
I don't think anybody has lost reality at Venice Beach. At least it isn't there anymore...
16 years ago.
Berny club has replied to SuperMarina
someone has found the lost reality a long time ago and took it away :-))
16 years ago.
SuperMarina has replied to Berny club
Yeah, that could be how it happened. Wonder where they took it to?
16 years ago.
Berny club has replied to SuperMarina
I think to nowhere land ;-)
16 years ago.
SuperMarina has replied to Berny club
16 years ago.
Jason Elkins has replied to SuperMarina
lol i meant to say let loose reality(;
16 years ago.
SuperMarina has replied to Jason Elkins
Yeah, that could be interesting! Some day I think I'll try.
16 years ago.

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