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Ducks, Geese and Swans Ducks, Geese and Swans

UK British Birds UK British Birds

Duck, Duck, Goose Duck, Duck, Goose

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Wild Birds UK Wild Birds UK

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Birds of the British Isles Birds of the British Isles

British Birds & Wildlife British Birds & Wildlife

Birds of a feather Birds of a feather

Birds Birds

Canon Lens Canon Lens

Scotland Scotland

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River Leven
Diving Duck
Mergus Segator
Red-Breasted Merganser
Canon EF 70-200mm f/4.0 L USM

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128 visits

Red-Breasted Mergansers

Red-Breasted Mergansers

Nouchetdu38, Gudrun, Erhard Bernstein, John FitzGerald and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

 Jocelyne Villoing
Jocelyne Villoing club
Oh les chanceux ils ont vraiment la meilleure place en ce moment et ils ne se mouillent même pas, lol, belle image sereine Joe, bon après-midi.
4 months ago.
Joe, Son of the Rock club has replied to Jocelyne Villoing club
Merci pour ce beau compliment, Jocelyne. Amiclaement, Joe
4 months ago.
Gudrun club
Well caught! We don't see them in Germany except on the coasts in winter....
4 months ago.
Joe, Son of the Rock club has replied to Gudrun club
I appreciate your very kind comment, Gudrun. Kindest regards, Joe
4 months ago.

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