Joe, Son of the Rock's photos

Detail from Glasgow's Longest Mural

Detail from Glasgow's Longest Mural


05 Mar 2025 3 2 11
Partick Interchange, Glasgow


05 Mar 2025 2 2 9
Partick Interchange, Glasgow


05 Mar 2025 2 4 11
Partick Interchange, Glasgow

Yacht on its Side

04 Mar 2025 3 6 11
River Leven, Dumbarton

Riverside Lane

Dumbarton High Street

Working on a Roof

Workers on a Roof

RGB Yachts

25 Feb 2025 8 12 25
River Leven, Dumbarton

Storm Damage

Putting the Roof on the New Children's Library

Juxtapostition of Metric and Imperial

24 Feb 2025 4 6 39
2.4 km and 1¾ miles Dumbarton


21 Feb 2025 8 12 39
River Leven, Dumbarton Quay

Three Mallards

21 Feb 2025 10 12 45
River Leven, Dumbarton Quay

Story Tree (Norway Maple)

21 Feb 2025 3 2 27
Riverside Lane, Dumbarton Quay At the end of the pend there is a mature Norway Maple tree that will become the centrepiece of our new children’s library garden – a storytelling tree. Quoted from the Page\Park website

Construction of the New Dumbarton Children's Libra…

21 Feb 2025 3 2 22
Riverside Lane, Dumbarton Quay The children’s library is a standalone pavilion sitting within the garden with views to the river and Dumbarton Rock beyond. The project is conceived in three parts; the past, present and future. The original house telling the stories of Dumbarton past, the new extension providing services for the people of Dumbarton today and the children’s library with it low carbon CLT structure and glossy ceramic cladding looks to the future. Quoted from the Page\Park website

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