
Year of the Pig

Folder: Yearly albums

The illusion of time

11 Jun 2019 12 7 354
♫ It's The Illusion Of Time That We Love by DFLT (James Spitznagel and Tom Bruce), available at SoundCloud


05 Jun 2019 25 28 335
Testing Explore... Trying to find out how soon new upload possibly replaces my previous popular post on Explore. Results: New image becomes moderated and replace one's previous image on Explore approximately in 24 hours. However, if few days old image is extremely popular compared to new post, it may take a little longer.


04 Jun 2019 27 3 340
" As a leaf in the storm Floats but never falls Dancing to its cause Restless as it blows " - Glass Rebel ♫ Trees (feat. Marsheaux) by Glass Rebel , available at SoundCloud

Mr Nobody having a dialog

30 May 2019 24 10 346
I discovered a nice feature on Snapseed mobile phone app. Surprisingly there is a similar paint tool to add or remove the effect selectively as there is on PicMonkey:

Dark side of the Force

30 May 2019 21 17 500
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge: Negative space (in photography) Contribution for The 50 Images-Project: Still Life 22/50 Playing with toys again... At Tampere there has repeatedly arranged a photography courses and exhibitions called as "Adult Plays". The theme has been to learn photography by shooting toys or cartoon collectibles in various locations. What has puzzled me is the possible risk to infringe the copyright. Toys and cartoon characters are after all copyright protected just like any other works of art. However, I discovered it depends on whether the use of items turns out as something original and creative enough to become as a new work of art. "Parody" is one criteria. The new work may for example mock some everyday life phenomena. One then may wonder what is parody? Another question is the context. What additional elements are required to make the new creation as new and original enough? Here I have used so called Sabattier effect, and more precisely a "V-shape" on Snapseed curves tool, to turn items and background "dark". The goal was to play with references to "Dark side of the Force" and to "negative space". But is it parody? And does this rather minimalist composition turn out as original enough? Sources: ➽ Adult Plays photos . Photography course works arranged at Tampere Region Center of Adult Education. Photogallery available at Facebook. ➽ Brendan Conley: Can I be sued over my photographs of a copyrighted toy or other product? Photo Copyright Law blog. ➽ Artist Rights. Mattel Inc. v. Walking Mountain Productions . National Coalition Against Censorship and the Center for Democracy and Technology.

Godzilla angle view

25 May 2019 24 33 368
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge: Look down, the world at your feet Taken with on camera panorama stitch, and turned "upside down" in purpose.

My home district

24 May 2019 14 15 289
♫ Imbalance by Data Rebel , available at SoundCloud Post processing: Mirror Lab mobile phone app: "Polar > Sphere Map".

A paper dog/frog ...

19 May 2019 19 19 364
... seen on the street "Revolutionary" discovery made thanks to Guido Werner! All metadata on this image has been added before upload on GIMP 2.10. That includes: - Title - Caption (phrase "... seen on the street") - Exif - Geolocation - Keywords (Although, I dont' understand where "type=" and "Bag" comes from) - And some other metadata not displayed at ipernity It means one can give all that before upload on photo editors supporting such thing (Lightroom, Geosetter, GIMP etc.), and they become shown on ipernity right away after upload. This is especially good feature because those then should stay as included into images also when dowloaded back to computer. Illustrated how to article coming up later.

"May the road rise up to meet you"

18 May 2019 24 27 453
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge: Paths/Walkways ♫ Gegenschein by Data Rebel , available at SoundCloud

After noon

14 May 2019 21 20 272
♫ After noon by Melorman , available at SoundCloud. Post processing done with Mirror Lab, Snapseed and PicMonkey apps.


09 May 2019 15 14 279
Retake on old idea. Sort of a way to practice timing, composition, and post processing =D Happy Fence Friday folks!

Mr Nobody's Martian encounter

09 May 2019 31 26 333
Edited with Snapseed. It provides an easy to use perspective tool, which can be used to make shadows on the ground look less stretched and "small headed" ;-)

#48 On the road

05 May 2019 4 7 184
♫ Abandon Window by Jon Hopkins , available at SoundCloud Edited with Mirror Lab and Snapseed Android apps. I also manage to use Snapseed to add Mirror Lab edit on as another layer, thus being able to keep the Exif data and geolocation. This similar approach can be used also on desktop software like GIMP or PhotoShop.


04 May 2019 17 1 303
Contribution for The 50 Images-Project: Still Life 18/50

Requirements for the licensed premises and serving…

03 May 2019 14 25 431
" The serving area must be marked off or marked so that its boundaries are clearly discernible to the customers, unless the serving area cannot be perceived clearly otherwise. It must be possible to supervise efficiently the movement of people to and from the serving area. A plan regarding the marking of the serving area shall be presented to the licensing authority. " ~ Finnish acts and decrees 1143/1994, Alcohol Act, Section 21 c Nevertheless, I wish you all Happy Fence Friday! =)

164 items in total