Tedesco Park with no mural

Coachella Valley Google Streetviews

11 Jun 2008

759 visits

Tedesco Park with no mural

A mural was painted on this building in the spring of 2008.

11 Jun 2008

838 visits


Revivals closed in early 2008.

11 Jun 2008

858 visits

Pierson and Ocotillo

Cleaning up the now-empty lot at Pierson and Ocotillo.

11 Jun 2008

884 visits

No shrubberies at Stater Bros

11 Jun 2008

940 visits

Gas 2.99

11 Jun 2008

1 000 visits

Cross Walk at Desert Springs Middle School

Here's a photo taken on January 2, 2008, showing this crosswalk still under construction.

11 Jun 2008

895 visits

3rd and Palm

Trying to determine when Google Streetview came through Desert Hot Springs. Recently a vehicle jumped the curb at this corner and crashed through one of the doorways on this building. In the repair process the doorway was completely walled over.

11 Jun 2008

945 visits

Warm Sands (2)

With "Jungle Red," the public art. Compare to this photo taken a few meters to the east.

11 Jun 2008

813 visits

Warm Sands (1)

No public art. Compare to this photo of the same intersection from a few meters to the west.
10 items in total