Willow Hole Oasis (0958)

Willow Hole Oasis

A part of the Coachella Valley Preserve south of Desert Hot Springs, California, east of Mountain View Road.

27 May 2008


798 visits

Willow Hole Oasis (0958)

On the north side of the oasis facing out, this sign invites in hikers and equestrians.

27 May 2008

394 visits

Willow Hole Oasis (0969)

27 May 2008

398 visits

Willow Hole Oasis (0972)

The columns are the bases of what will be new wind turbines.

27 May 2008

414 visits

Willow Hole Oasis (0971)

New wind turbine going up.

27 May 2008

410 visits

Willow Hole Oasis (0970)

This sign is facing north-ish, toward the oasis, so it appears to be indicating that the area where the wind turbines are is "closed."

27 May 2008

381 visits

Willow Hole Oasis (0967)

27 May 2008

382 visits

Willow Hole Oasis (0966)

27 May 2008

798 visits

Willow Hole Oasis (4)

27 May 2008

786 visits

Willow Hole Oasis (2)

26 items in total