Blue Flower (0730)

Saline Valley - May 2008

A visit to the hot springs in Saline Valley, part of Death Valley National Park. Flickr users can see more photos here.

11 May 2008

562 visits

Blue Flower (0730)

07 May 2008

1 004 visits

100 Degrees (0711)

The thermometer in Darrel's car registered as high as 102°(F) on our trip across Saline Valley.

11 May 2008

519 visits

Flower (0745)

11 May 2008

545 visits

Flower (0744)

11 May 2008

555 visits

Blue Flower (0731)

11 May 2008

750 visits

Waucoba Saline Valley Road (0754)

At the northern end of the northern route into Saline Valley.

10 May 2008

519 visits

Hogan (0717)

About 1¼ miles northeast of the palm springs in Saline Valley.

11 May 2008

599 visits

Waucoba Saline Valley Road (0753)

Winter snow road closures ended the weekend we were in Saline Valley.

11 May 2008

1 favorite

828 visits

Flowers (0752)

38 items in total