Peggy C

Peggy C club

Posted: 27 Sep 2019

Taken: 27 Sep 2019

2 favorites     2 comments    176 visits

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176 visits

Screenshot 2019-09-27 ' To All Things There is a Season '

Screenshot 2019-09-27 ' To All Things There is a Season '

Fred Fouarge, Smiley Derleth have particularly liked this photo

 Peggy C
Peggy C club
Screenshot 2019-09-27 ' To All Things There is a Season '
5 years ago.
Peggy C club has added
When your friends are kind enough not to tell you that you spelled something wrong on the photo ! Tried to remove it, but just made it look worse -- so replaced with another taken the same day - same place..

Please -- send me a message if / when something is wrong! But, thank you, Nicole and William.
5 years ago.

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