Misou 49's favorite photos

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Tourterelle turque,- Eurasian Collared Dove (Strep…

Ecureuil roux, (Sciurus vulgaris), Eurasian Red Sq…

Mésange noire, - Coal Tit, (Periparus ater)

Nuit magique...

Arum en souffrance...

Un lugar sencillo

surpris ......

Ordinary yet Extraordinary

Bruyères sous la neige

Faune de Corse - en 2014

HFF - Aullène, Corse 2014

En attendant le printemps

La mitica Cinquecento

Bench in the shadow.

Walking in the woods.

Lago dei Caprioli.

Snow "wall":)

Fun at the frozen lake.

27409 items in total