Misou 49

Misou 49 club

Posted: 31 Oct 2020

Taken: 30 Oct 2020

8 favorites     4 comments    157 visits

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157 visits


Un beau ciel nuageux mais la lune est la plus forte et éclaire la grue du chantier de mon quartier .
Vue de mon jardin .
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ROL/Photo, raingirl, Bébert du 33, Nouchetdu38 and 4 other people have particularly liked this photo

Nouchetdu38 club
4 years ago.
raingirl club
The moon is always an inviting light. What a nice view you have from your garden.

[thanks for posting to facebook and backlinking to here!]
4 years ago.
 Cheryl Kelly (cher12861 on flickr)
Cheryl Kelly (cher12… club
Gorgeous night and moon shot, my friend!
4 years ago.
ROL/Photo club
Un peut triste...
ça sens le confiturement qui se prépare
4 years ago.

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