Light Installation

Available Light

Light Installation

27 Aug 2016 17 41 613
Braunschweiger Lichtparcours 2016 - Björn Dahlem - M-Sphären (Seyfert 2) Best on black Das war um 20.30 Uhr

Under the Lantern (300°)

26 Aug 2016 24 34 678
Braunschweig's Altstadtmarkt (Old City Market) on a warm Summer evening On black of course ♪♫ Lili Marleen ♪♫

Homage to Piranesi's Carceri - Hommage an Piranesi…

05 Mar 2011 26 36 611
Mainz Cathedral - Im Hohen Dom zu Mainz Deutsch: Giovanni Battista Piranesi English: Giovanni Battista Piranesi Der Hohe Dom St. Martin zu Mainz Mainz Cathedral A must on black!

Play of Light II - Lichtspiele II

05 Mar 2011 33 36 816
Der Hohe Dom St. Martin zu Mainz

Night / Light Witches on Stilts

30 Oct 2015 40 42 841
Light Performance "Lichtungen" in Hildesheim. Lost EXIFs: 1/15 sec - f/3,5 - ISO 3200 - f=15mm Best on black

A Busy Friday Night in Hildesheim's City

30 Oct 2015 28 35 809
During the Light Perfomance "Lichtungen"

Crazy ISO 12.800 (090°)

30 Oct 2015 26 37 787
The belltower of St. Andreas in Hildesheim during the Light-Performance "Lichtungen", created by Ghiju Díaz de León. ... best on black of course ;-) From the exploration tour the night before the Iper-Meeting (without tripods :-/)

Ipers Casting Shadows

31 Oct 2015 12 21 634
Iper / Pano Meeting in Hildesheim - Light Performance "Lichtungen" Who ist Who? NTSC November 1st - Shadows only

Streetlife on a Summer Evening (270°)

26 Aug 2016 33 44 785
St. Martini looming ... Crazy ISO12.800

Lonesome Lantern (345°)

26 Aug 2016 45 49 752
On Braunschweig's Altstadtmarkt (Old City Market) On black of course :-) PIP: Rejected landscape format

White Disguise (180°)

31 Oct 2015 34 55 913
TSC - The Sunday Challenge Jan. 10th, 2016 - Make a photograph that portrays CREATIVITY. The Museum at the Hildesheim Cathedral during the Light Performance "Lichtungen" Best on black

Play of Light - Lichtspiele

05 Mar 2011 50 52 890
Der Hohe Dom St. Martin zu Mainz HFF - Happy Fence Friday on Christmas Day. Enjoy the holidays and have a wonderful time. ♪♫ Lumen - Mannheim Steamroller ♪♫

Looking up

30 Oct 2015 27 38 710
The belltower of St. Andreas in Hildesheim during the Light-Performance "Lichtungen", created by Ghiju Díaz de León. ... best on black of course ;-) From the exploration tour the night before the Iper-Meeting (without tripods :-/)

...and ... Action!

18 May 2013 13 26 668
... robbing a bank ... As of May 2015 the building has been totally gutted, only the facade remains for the shopping mall to come.

Sinsheim on a Sunday Evening (210°)

18 Jan 2015 5 14 499
...a totally deserted pedestrians zone (except for two invisible aliens admiring DSLRs at Foto Burghardt). And it is not even 8 p.m.

Reminiscence to/ Erinnerung an Edward Hopper

18 Jan 2015 7 32 644
♪♫ 'Round Midnight ♪♫ by Herbie Hancock (with Wynton Marsalis) Nightshot without tripod (composed in cam from 4 shots)

Day 18 / 347 to go - Small Town Pizza Parlor (180°…

Friendly People from Sinsheim - Nette Leute aus Si…

18 Jan 2015 8 17 689
Skulpturen "Alltagsmenschen" von Christel Lechner . Leider werden die Skulpturen immer wieder von Vandalen beschädigt.

71 items in total