End of the World 1 - Kauai North Shore

Beaches and Seashores

End of the World 1 - Kauai North Shore

Walking the Beach - Kauai North Shore

End of the World 2 - Barking Sands Beach, Kauai

Der Tag geht - Fading Day 2014 - 7:23 p.m.

13 Apr 2014 36 49 1215
The Sunday Challenge - Backlighting PIP: Almost same location as 2015 but different light and a new bench

Möwe - Seagull

Stiller Abend am Strand - Quiet Evening at the Bea…

13 Apr 2014 15 10 992
10-Week Picture Projects: Textures, Week 1: (September 14-20): soft

Goat Rock Beach near Jenner, CA, 1985 (330°)

Pacific Coast Highway at Bixby Bridge 1978 (000°)

Hanoapiilani Highway and Lanai, Maui Dec. 1980 (27…

Hana Highway at Keanae Peninsula with Haleakala lo…

Lumahai Beach, Kauai Dec. 1980 (030°)

04 Dec 1980 1 2 498
Once in a lifetime

Northern California Coast III, Oct. 4th 1987

Northern California Coast II, Oct. 4th 1987

Northern California Coast I, June 10th, 1985

Lumahai Beach, Kauai, Hi, Dec. 1980

Tanjung Rhu, Langkawi, Malaysia, Dec. 1995 (060°)

Surf Near Surf, California, 1980 (300°)

08 Dec 2013 1 1 654
Interestingly the name of the place is Surf, close to Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.

112 items in total