Stadt am Fluss, Heidelberg vom nördlichen Neckarufer - Heidelberg Panorama with Old Bridge and Castle (180°)


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Stadt am Fluss, Heidelberg vom nördlichen Neckaruf…

04 Dec 2013 16 17 907
compiled from 6 landscape shots. CANON EOS 60D, EFS 17-85 at 38mm, f/5,6, Iso 160, 30 sec, tripod ...und noch ein Altes das ich mal hervorkramen muss, weil es viel zu wenig Beachtung gefunden hat :-/ Hochgeladen am 4.12.2013 Best on full screen or explore at full resolution 8.000 px wide

Heidelberg, Altstadt und Schloss - Old City and C…

03 Dec 2013 4 4 636
This panorama has been compiled from 22 portrait shots in two rows taken with a Canon EOS 70 D in combination with the excellent EF 85mm/1.8 lens stopped down to 5.6. ISO 160, 1/500 sec, tripod. Please view original size for plenty of details. This has been a pretty difficult job because of the extremely high dynamics of the scene. I couldn't avoid minor tonal separation in the sky.

Herbstmorgen - A milky morning sun (165°)

13 Oct 2008 1 2 589
Best on black

Wintermorgen (165°)

Winterabend (165°)

San Francisco, Mt. Tamalpais Vista, 1978 (150°)

08 Dec 2013 1 1 709
compiled from two slides

Neckartal bei Neckargerach (240°)

22 Oct 2013 3 548
Deep zoom panorama compiled from 22 portrait shots in two rows. Canon EOS 60D, EF 85mm, 1,8 stopped down to 5,6, 1/80 sec. tripod. View original size (25.000 x 8.000 px) for lots of details! (Be patient, takes a while to load)

Elsenzniederung und Sinsheim vom Steinsberg (015°)

29 Nov 2013 2 499
Deep Zoom Panorama compiled from 48 Portrait shots in two rows. Canon EOS 70D, Tamron 70-300mm at 210 mm, f/8, 1/800 sec, ISO 160, tripod. Mouse over and enlarge for lots of details. Original size is approx 26.000 x 3.700 px

Heidelberg zur Blauen Stunde - Blue Hour over Heid…

16 Aug 2013 7 1 624
compiled from 2 landscape shots

Tenaya Lake, Yosemite NP, 1980 (045°)

07 Dec 2013 1 3 783
compiled from two slides

Exploding Sky - Wolkenexplosion (165°)

03 Sep 2009 11 9 817
compiled from 6 portrait shots. Olympus E510, Zuiko 14-42mm at 14mm, f/6,3, ISO 100, 1/1.600 Sec.

Mosbach Marktplatz (240°)

26 Jun 2008 485
compiled from 4 portrait shots. Olympus E510, Zuiko 14-42mm at 14mm, f/5,6, ISO 100, 1/800 sec.

Tanjung Rhu, Langkawi, Malaysia, Dec.1995 (300°)

08 Dec 2013 1 4 518
compiled from two negatives

San Francisco, Cliff House Vista, 1978 (180°)

23 Dec 2013 609
compiled from 2 negative scans

Der Mittelberg bei Neckarkatzenbach (075°)

Summer - Sommer (345°)

Bodenseeblick - Lake Constance Vista (030°)

Aussicht - Vista

02 Jul 2011 1 412
Aussicht vom Säntisgipfel - Saentis Peak Vista

60 items in total