
Ghislaine club

Posted: 13 Sep 2020

Taken: 12 Sep 2020

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Contribution for The Sunday Challenge # 451 : The Challenge This Week: Stationery

En français le mot "papeterie" signifie d'abord "fabrique de papier", puis tout ce qui se rapporte au "papier" et par extension , tout ce qui a trait aux "fournitures de bureau", "fournitures scolaires".
J'ai donc sorti une partie de mon "trésor de guerre*", qui me vient de mon grand-père paternel :
- 2 cahiers (dont un cahier de cours de mécanique), 1 carnet, des compas, crayons, des crayons d'estompe ,gomme, plumes et porte-plumes, mines et trombones ....
J'y ajouté mon cahier qui me sert pour les projets de groupe d'Ipernity, étiquettes et gommettes, post-it ... et un élément que je vous laisse découvrir...

*Certaines pièces sont au logo de "La Compagnie Des Chemins de Fer Du Nord" et de la SNCF, qui après sa fusion avec les autres Compagnies Ferroviaires Françaises deviendra la SNCF en 1937, et de l'Ecole Spéciale Des Travaux Publics, où mon grand-père a bénéficié d'une formation continue.


In French, the word "papeterie" means first of all "paper factory", then everything related to "paper" and by extension, everything related to "office supplies", "school supplies".
So I took out a part of my "war treasure*", which comes from my paternal grandfather:
- 2 notebooks (including a mechanics' course book), 1 notebook, compasses, pencils, pencil crayons, eraser, nibs and pencil holders, leads and paper clips ....
I add my notebook which I use for Ipernity's group projects, labels and stickers, post-it notes ... and an item that I let you discover...

Some of the pieces have the logo of "La Compagnie Des Chemins de Fer Du Nord" and of the SNCF, which after its merger with the other French Railway Companies became the SNCF in 1937, and of the Ecole Spéciale Des Travaux Publics, where my grandfather received further training.

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33 comments - The latest ones
Xata club
I tried to find the mystery element but cannot figure what this is (put a note there). Feel free to erase my note !
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to Xata club
no it's not about that...
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to Xata club
réponse en PIP
4 years ago.
Xata club has replied to Ghislaine club
??? Je vois un chat (je suis fobique) mais que sont les ronds en couleur?
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to Xata club
Phobic or allergic ?

Clique sur la PIP, j'avais expliqué l'usage : les ronds de couleur servent à décoder un rébus.
4 years ago.
Xata club has replied to Ghislaine club
Phobic. Attacked by several for food as a kid.
"décoder un rebus" je ne comprends pas ce que cela est...
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to Xata club
4 years ago.
Xata club has replied to Ghislaine club
Ok, mais comment avec ces choses rondes?
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to Xata club
The adjacent green and white wheels have all the letters of the alphabet from A to Z, as well as all the numbers from 0 to 9
The letters B & D of the charade solution (3) must be matched.
Then you change the letters and numbers of the rebus (4) one after the other.
You then have, in French, the definitive solution of my game.
You must then translate my rebus into the language of your choice.
Pay attention to the direction of the transformation: R becomes P, G becomes E, V becomes T...]
The difficulty for a non-French speaker is in the language barrier.
This kind of game can be played in any language!

I have added the PiP of the instructions for use of the rebus
4 years ago.
Xata club has replied to Ghislaine club
I did not know this game, "adivinha" is a riddle but a current one, "devinette" in French.
Merci pour cette explication, la barrière des langues est aussi dans les sentiments. En dehors de ma langue c'est en Anglais que j'exprime le mieux mes sentiments, même si je parle très bien le Français je ne comprends pas l'esprit qui ne colle pas avec le mien. C'est pour cela que je préfère répondre en Anglais ou dans mes deux langues (Portugais et Andalou).
Je suis mariée à un Français mais il parle Portugais et il est d'origine Vénitienne... il a choisi de rester ici et vit à une heure de chez moi, il a trouvé sa place dans mon pays et cela ne lui dirait rien de vivre ailleurs maintenant.
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to Xata club
J'ai appris l'allemand dont j'ai quelques souvenirs (écrire et lire, parler "à peine") , l'espagnol dont il ne me reste que des miettes de compréhension.
Je n'ai pas appris l'anglais, je reste extrêmement prudente en utilisant les traducteurs, craignant les contre sens.

Certains challenge du groupe me posent parfois des difficultés comme celui-ci, où j'étais quasi hors sujet...
4 years ago.
 PhLB - Luc Boonen
PhLB - Luc Boonen club
a collection with historic and emotional value!
the coloured mystery element has something to do with callygraphy?
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to PhLB - Luc Boonen club
the mystery element is related to the modern callygraphy for domestic use
4 years ago.
Nautilus club
jolie photo colorée ! je note le " mikado" des crayons. Facile, si l' on veut celui de la pile du dessous :-)
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to Nautilus club
tu as le mot pour rire
j'avais d'abord entrepris mon Kapla© avec des crayons bien cylindriques
est arrivé ce qui devait arriver : la chute du Mikado©
j'ai repris l'ouvrage avec des crayons moins malhonnêtes !

blague à part, j'ai eu des difficultés de compréhension du sujet...
4 years ago.
Nautilus club has replied to Ghislaine club
moi aussi. Correspondance manuscrite , où l' univers de ce que nous appelons " papeterie" en France ????
4 years ago.
That’s quite a collection and beautifully photographed
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to Jan
Le challenge à été une occasion de faire l'inventaire du trésor !
4 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
That is funny and wonderful! =D

Sort of a "maximalism" shot.
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
il faut maintenant que j'apprenne le minimaliste !
4 years ago.
Typo93 club
L'intru est la cartouche d'encre ?

J'ai la même série.
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to Typo93 club
Bingo !
N'oublie pas : tu es redevable d'une patate chaude...
4 years ago.
Typo93 club has replied to Ghislaine club
Encore une patate et je me fais une purée !
4 years ago.
 Clickity Click
Clickity Click
That's quite a collection of items ... especially those treasures from your grandfather. :)

We All Need One Another
4 years ago.
 Gillian Everett
Gillian Everett club
Well put together, lovely that you have some of your grandfather's things
4 years ago.
Gudrun club
A fabulous collection, wow! I like that tower you have built of pencils:-)
4 years ago.
 Wierd Folkersma
Wierd Folkersma club
quite a colorful collection, love the pip with the cat
4 years ago.
raingirl club
like a grown up's 'Where's Waldo'! with great memories. really well laid out.

i couldn't find the mystery item (wondered initially if there weren't ball point pens until later), and once i saw a comment with the answer i still had to search to find it! well hidden in plain site!! (and now i now what to do with all the pencils in my drawers! great tower!!)

what a great collection. the pip is also a delight.
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to raingirl club
Yet there are ballpoint pens, but that's not what I wanted to look for.
The right answer is indeed in the comments.
4 years ago.
 Clickity Click
Clickity Click
aha, took me a few visits to look but I just found it. If it were a bear it would have bit me. lol
4 years ago.
Ghislaine club has replied to Clickity Click
There aren't many bears anymore .......
4 years ago.
Clickity Click has replied to Ghislaine club
Hmm we still have bears in this area and in Michigan, where we used to live. (in the upper part of the Lower Peninsular, there are quite few) We had a yearly in our yard once, at the house we lived in before we moved into town. I have picture somewhere. If I find it I will post it.

Stay Healthy
4 years ago.
 Diederik Santema
Diederik Santema club
That;s a whole collection of stationery!
4 years ago.

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