
Simson S51

I bought an old Simson S51 motorcycle (4PS, 3kw, 4 gears). As I have to show some pictures of it, I'll upload them here.

Hopefully, the "defective parts" pictures will get fewer and fewer, and there might even be some really "nice" pictures - later.


21 Sep 2008 2 2 1559
purpose: motorcycle driver license training :)

Defective Parts 1

Defective Parts 2

Defective Parts 2b

Defective Parts 3

Defective Parts 3b

Defective Parts 4

Defective Parts 5

Defective Parts 7

Defective Parts 9

Defective Parts 10

Defective Parts 11


21 Nov 2008 454
Sorry, some more junk-pictures. Just ignore them, nothing to see here, move along...

Zylinder nach Waschbenzin

21 Nov 2008 477
Sorry, some more junk-pictures. Just ignore them, nothing to see here, move along...

Zylinder nach Waschbenzin

21 Nov 2008 443
Sorry, some more junk-pictures. Just ignore them, nothing to see here, move along...


21 Nov 2008 425
Sorry, some more junk-pictures. Just ignore them, nothing to see here, move along...

Zylinder vor Waschbenzin

21 Nov 2008 445
Sorry, some more junk-pictures. Just ignore them, nothing to see here, move along...


21 Nov 2008 399
Sorry, some more junk-pictures. Just ignore them, nothing to see here, move along...

70 items in total