Michel (1647 gegründet, 1750 neu aufgebaut und 1906 im gleichen Stil erneut rekonstruiert) in der Morgensonne.
Wird nun seit 1983 erneut kontinuierlich renoviert.
Mit 2500 Sitzplätzen die größte der fünf Hamburger Hauptkirchen und eines der Wahrzeichen von Hamburg.
Morgenhimmel mit leuchtender St. Michaelis - Kirch…
Sieht irgendwie aus, als würde da ein Gott den Michel hell erleuchten wollen. :o) Fotografiert von meinem Balkon.
Gruppe " Theme of the week ": sunset .
I like it to look outside on a morning and take a photo what I see there - which was sometimes just an amazing sunset with lightening clouds.
Group Theme of the week : " Clouds ".
After the last unsettling days I hope today for a golden day. I have to go to the bank to cash a check gotten by google-adwords which would be great timing after the last (expensive) day with the visit of the veterinarian. BTW: Rocky seemed to be more OK than yesterday, he's still a little bit drippy but nothing like the wettness like before.
After that I surelly went to the Millerntorstadium, the stadium of FC St. Pauli (which have YNWA as inofficial hymn) to take a look at the demolition-progress of southstanding and maybe, if I feel like doing that - I would go to the port after that - to take a few shots of a special building called Dockland which look a little bit like a yacht: www.hamburger-fotoblog.de/2006/08/06/dockland/ or www.dockland-hamburg.de/ - it's ready since end of 2005 - so I wondering by myself why I haven't take any photos of it since then...
So I hope this day would be a nice one (and the rain had stopped last night so it looked quite good to go throw the area and take many photos...). :-)
When you walk through the storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark
Walk on, through the wind
Walk on, through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
Hamburg during the fall in the morning. The St. Michaelis-church ("Michel")
Blurred. Should using a tripod next time...
See where this picture was taken. [?]
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