Folder: Misc, group-folders, other stuff, ...
Something which don't fit to other categrories but without enough photos for an own album...
My house, my boat, my flashlight
OK. This flashlight is something which would be nice to have. A little bit unhandly but I still like it and it's looking just nice... ;-)
My house, my boat, my flashlight
OK. This flashlight is something which would be nice to have. A little bit unhandly but I still like it and it's looking just nice... ;-)
Irgendwo auf dem Weg zum Auswärtsspiel, irgendwo auf der Autobahn...
Dynamo Dresden - FC St. Pauli
Dear Mum...
...be strong - live strong.
Cause my mum has breast cancer I seemed to be involved by this topic more I ever wanted and want to be. Think about it.
Let's me mull over.
Seen in the photos by CinDLin . Please read the story behind it - and spread it, too.
Windowsfehler in der U-Bahn
Errormessage seen on an infoscreen inside of the Undergroundline U3, Hamburg, Germany. Strange that they used Windows to serve that content...
Warteschlange durch den kompletten Walmart
Hmpf. Typically at Walmart in Hamburg St. Pauli - long drawn, long queue to give them your money... and everytime snake in the grass.. Needs 15 to 20 minutes before you get served....
Flowing water
Golden building
These remembering me a little bit at the steel of the WTC in New York even it has strikes... and even it's a little smaller. But like the way in which the afternoon-sun reflects there.
See where this picture was taken. [?]
One love a day - #001: Casio QV 2800 UX
It's the first digitally cam I'd bought and it has a few very special features which I don't found at others so I staid with it from 1997 till now even it had just 2 MP:
- The display could rotate 270°. It was great to take photos on a standing in a stadium so you could take photos of objects in front of you and hold the came above your head and you could still see what you would taken on the display.
- It has a 8-optically zoom, from 40 to 320 mm so it perfectly fits my needs to take photos in stadiums.
- the macrofunction was great - you could take photos of things which are just one cm away from the lense - f.e. a fly stepping at the lense.
- the pics are pretty good - not muddy in any case, mostly clear colour and no need of editing it in gimp or photoshop.
- Even it has a great zoom you could put it as it was in the pocketcase - everything was closed, no dust (and you could see much of them at the cam...) could get inside cause everything was pretty closed. You could take photos on rainy days whitout danger it get damaged by water. It's an all-wheater-cam. :-)
I would sell it again - if casio will offer it with about 5 MP - but they won't... So I buy a Fuji Finepix S5600 now - with some of the features my casio already has - but without the option to rotate the lense - and let me say - I miss this functionality after one day without them.
See where this picture was taken. [?]
Old building with renovated front
Old building with renovated front
Old building with renovated front
Old building with renovated front
One love a day - #008: Helping items in the early…
I'm not a morningperson, not in any way. I hate it to standup early in the morning (and everyting before 11am was morning) and going under the shower ("It's wet, it's wet, help me, I'm surelly drowning!").
But then these duck came.. and help me to get awake.
You have to pick it up, sing a song together (and she love it to sing!) and you ARE a morningperson or you would it be. It maybee sounds hillarious, crazy in anyway but it helps - try it out yourself!
Lalalala *ieeek ieeek* Lalalalala lalalala lalalala *ieeek ieeek ieeek* ;-)
Hm. What would be the neighbourhood think about me if they hear it...?
See where this picture was taken. [?]
Old building with renovated front
One love a day - #008: Happy easter!
Cause you shouldn't see everywhere just these painted eastereggs - but I couldn't push away that it's easter - you see a synonym of my easter - my egg piercer by wmf which was hard to photograph cause the mattened steel (and the focustrouble with reflecting materials). Had used it very often the last days...
Wish you a happy easter - with or without these painted eggs. :-)
Edit: Maybee the same designer than in Strange bollards ? ;-)
See where this picture was taken. [?]
Craftsmen with typically threads/garb
Found it curious to have roof-tiles at the wall. Bernstorffstraße Ecke Thadenstraße
See where this picture was taken. [?]
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