Otto von Bismarck
Bus of local public transport
Brücke über den U-Bahnhof Landungsbrücken
Craftsmen with typically threads/garb
Bridge between the 2 tunnels between stations Land…
Tourist-crowd at old Elbetunnel
Bridge 3 at Old Elbetunnel
Sightseeing with bus
Bridge 4
St. Pauli Landungsbrücken
Entrance Harrys Hamburger Hafenbasar + Museum
Window of Harrys Hamburger Hafenbasar + Museum
Sculptures at entrance of Harrys Hamburger Hafenba…
Native guy at entrance of Harrys Hamburger Hafenba…
Indian women at entrance of Harrys Hamburger Hafen…
Da wirst du augenblicklich zum Vegetarier...
A hole
Beginn 2. Halbzeit
Weather in April, Hamburg/Germany
St. Michaelis Church
8 strange bollards
The London-Eye of Hamburg ;-)
Kersten- Miles- Brücke with old tree
Kersten- Miles- Brücke
Kersten- Miles- Brücke (*1895 - 1897)
Cargoship Victory
Indian in front of Harrys Hamburger Hafenbasar
Statue "Simon von Utrecht" an Kersten-Miles-Brücke
One love a day - #008: Happy easter!
Tugs pull a cargoship
Hotel Hafen Hamburg
Hotel Hafen Hamburg
Pegel St. Pauli Landungsbrücken
Die schöne und das Biest
Bunker ("Zombeck") and subway
Rickmer Rickmers
U3 Landungsbrücken
U3- Landungsbrücken
Scheisse und Enttäuschung
Hamburg ist Braun - Weiss
St. Pauli du Arschloch
One love a day - #009: The sound of eastermonday- mornings
Every year on eastermonday I get wake up with the sound of easter. Praysing people, talking guys, people who crying out some shibboleth and - the best one - a sambaband. The last one was great but the first ones was a little bit anoying cause the phrases are every year the same.
But these sambaband - every year the same, too - was great in some way! Not cause I like their music - cause it's monotony and get's me some extra-sleepingtime. ;-)
And after that I fell asleep again. Thanks for the perfomance at the morning, your easter-demonstants...
So it's a hate-love, of course.
But these sambaband - every year the same, too - was great in some way! Not cause I like their music - cause it's monotony and get's me some extra-sleepingtime. ;-)
And after that I fell asleep again. Thanks for the perfomance at the morning, your easter-demonstants...
So it's a hate-love, of course.
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