St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
St. Pauli - VfB Luebeck 2:0
Day #047 - Maybee I should take out a subscription…
Day #048: Spoon with Noisy
Rocky, sitting on the monitor
Rocky, watching me take photos of him
Noisy, dreaming
Noisy, realized that Rocky watch at her
Rocky, get ready to jump at Noisy
Sparda-Bank Hamburg: 15.000 Euro Spende zur Förder…
Painting messages at the window
Painting messages at the window
Day #046: Me, sceptically in front of the scaffold…
Renovation - Announcewall
The heatingpipes throw the wall
Overview of the heatingpipes in sleepingroom
The window in bath...
Detail view of the bath-windows
The new windows in bathroom
The closed window in the chamber
Balcony-door, open
The new balcony - door
Me in front of the new balcony-door
Day #045 - Livingroomdoor, fully shited and with b…
They closed the windows...
Day #044: Forget the 365er for today
Roasted Chickensalad
They'd destructed the wall
They'd destructed the wall
Rocky and Noisy sleeping together
Rocky and Noisy sleeping together
Rocky inspect the holes
Rocky inspect the holes
See also...
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941 visits
Some boy in the neighbourhood
Why I take a photo of him even if I don't know him? Cause I got shocked as I saw him. I find it amazing how he looks, absolutly amazing. ;-)
To say it in short words: He looks VERY quit the same as I looked in his age. Had searched a photo of me in his age but unfortunaly I couldn't find any now.
As I saw him I feeled just like DocBrown must feeled in the "Back to the future"- trilogy.. it was an absolutly amazing feeling. I'd got shocked... this was my personal deja-vu for this day, he was my personal younger-me.
To say it in short words: He looks VERY quit the same as I looked in his age. Had searched a photo of me in his age but unfortunaly I couldn't find any now.
As I saw him I feeled just like DocBrown must feeled in the "Back to the future"- trilogy.. it was an absolutly amazing feeling. I'd got shocked... this was my personal deja-vu for this day, he was my personal younger-me.
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