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Blick aufs Millerntorstadion
Flak- Hochbunker
U St. Pauli (Heiligengeistfeld)
AOL Europe
Pierre before christmasdinner
Christmas Eve dinner
Waiting to begin
Bettenhaus "Schlafwandel" / Bedshop "noctambulism"
Baking a bread for christmasmorning
Baking a bread for christmasmorning
Foodplates for christmas-familydinner
Christmas-familydinner - plates
Day #006 - laughing tears by watching the brother…
Day #006 - laughing tears by watching the brother…
Day #006 - laughing tears by watching the brother…
Day #006 - laughing tears by watching the brother…
Day #005: Doing the 365er-thing (my desktop)
Day #004 - Pretty difficult to read...
Day #003 - You'll never walk alone - there's a gol…
Day #002 - Going to the veterinarian
Day #001 - New Year - tedium - depressive
Wish you a happy 2007
Me in a museum
First snow of winter 2006/07
Halbes Hähnchen mit Pommes (Chicken with fries)
Noodle casserole
Noodle casserole
Ultra' Sankt Pauli - unstoppable!
Just 90 minutes....
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Day #007 - My brother and me at meetup
Or - as you can see - just me.
My brother is an undependable person. He often departed from his words.
If you get an agreement to met at 1pm you could be glad if he would arrive at 2 pm, 3pm - or quite never.
That's nuts to him, absolutly.
And you betcha - he would tell you nice stories after he arrived (if he would...), he would fudge an excuse...
Sometimes the train has an defect, stands still for an hour, or the busses didn't came, the railway got redirected or he just feels sick.
That he could tell to the Marines, in this point he can't fool me.
If he was to late usually you could know that he just played computer the whole night long or chatting with some guys... and couldn't get out of the bed next morning.
Even I like him he have much room for improvement in this part.
In this part we are quite different- in 180 dregrees. By me you could be sure that I've arrive earlier than the stipulated date, and try to arrive even if I was sick. My word is as good as my bond I think about myself. Sometimes I wish I could give him some of this part out of me to him, I've got enough of it, but he still needs improvement... ;-(
(and I've still waiting to meet him...)
Translate into English
My brother is an undependable person. He often departed from his words.
If you get an agreement to met at 1pm you could be glad if he would arrive at 2 pm, 3pm - or quite never.
That's nuts to him, absolutly.
And you betcha - he would tell you nice stories after he arrived (if he would...), he would fudge an excuse...
Sometimes the train has an defect, stands still for an hour, or the busses didn't came, the railway got redirected or he just feels sick.
That he could tell to the Marines, in this point he can't fool me.
If he was to late usually you could know that he just played computer the whole night long or chatting with some guys... and couldn't get out of the bed next morning.
Even I like him he have much room for improvement in this part.
In this part we are quite different- in 180 dregrees. By me you could be sure that I've arrive earlier than the stipulated date, and try to arrive even if I was sick. My word is as good as my bond I think about myself. Sometimes I wish I could give him some of this part out of me to him, I've got enough of it, but he still needs improvement... ;-(
(and I've still waiting to meet him...)
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