Grenouille au doux regard .
Suis une Helvelle libre...
Happy Hallowe'en..!!
Bonne soirée !
Keep Glasgow Tidy
Die Bergstreckerspinne (Tetragnatha montana) hat s…
tröstender Tod.....PiP!
In the depths of the cellar...........
Im Magni-Viertel in Braunschweig (PiP)
Escargot au couchant.
Costume Shop
Les aliens du terril
Escalier obsolète / Obsolete stair
Die Herbstspinne (Metellina segmentata) im Netz :)…
Image de fin
Diese Spinne war im Herbst noch unterwegs :)) This…
Happy Chairy Saturday!
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims
Alligator du Mississippi albinos .
Sandy branches on the beach / Une plage branchée
Was willst du mir mit deinen Blick sagen :)) What…
Der berühmte Weberknecht (Opiliones) hat sich in d…
Uromastyx. (au parc animalier de Mouscron .(Belgiq…
Berlin wall in Portland / Mur de Berlin sur Portl…
Man muss einfach fit bleiben :)) You just have to…
Die Gerandete Jagdspinne (Dolomedes fimbriatus) wa…
Crémieu (38) 14 septembre 2024. Fêtes Médiévales.
Die Rote Mordwanze (Rhynocoris iracundus) kann fü…
Plage méprisée / Verschmähter strand
Plage méprisée / Scorned beach
like a love song...........................!
Was guckst du :)) What are you looking at :)) Q…
HWW mit diese Bunkerwand...
Élevons nos coeurs en déconçant ces crimes....
Horreur avec H majuscule.... / Horror with a capi…
Die Wolfsspinne (Lycosidae) kam auf mich zu gekroc…
Un pneu de moto au mauvais endroit....
Zone cauchemardesque / Nightmare area
1/60 • f/8.0 • 43.0 mm • ISO 200 •
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-50mm f/3.5-6.3 EZ
EXIF - See more detailsSee also...
Makroaufnahmen aus einer tiefen Perspektive :)) Macro shots from a deep perspective :)) Prises de vue macro d'une perspective profonde :))
Makroaufnahmen aus einer tiefen Perspektive :)) Macro shots from a deep perspective :)) Prises de vue macro d'une perspective profonde :))
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115 visits
Garden Spider (+PiP)
After moaning about not finding any spiders in the garden this year, I eventually found one yesterday. It was a bit windy for macro photography, but after a few tries I eventually got a couple of shots I was happy with.
The other shot is in the PiP.
I think this is best viewed large, but I understand that some of might not think so :-))
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The other shot is in the PiP.
I think this is best viewed large, but I understand that some of might not think so :-))
Ulrich John, trester88, Stephan Fey, Jean-louis Thiaudiere and 19 other people have particularly liked this photo
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Keith Burton club has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubWünsche noch einen schönen Abend,liebe Grüße Güni :))
Keith Burton club has replied to Günter Klaus clubHave a nice day on wishes, Keith.
Keith Burton club has replied to Xata clubKeith Burton club has replied to Annemarie clubKeith Burton club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubKeith Burton club has replied to Patrick Brandy clubKeith Burton club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubKeith Burton club has replied to William Sutherland clubKeith Burton club has replied to * ઇઉ * clubHave a good weekend.
Keith Burton club has replied to TOZ clubKeith Burton club has replied to Jean Paul Capdeville clubIn fact, part of my wife's email is "havantzoo", because when my children were young we had a lot of pets..!!
Keith Burton club has replied to Jean-louis Thiaudier… clubH
Keith Burton club has replied to Herb Riddle clubSehr schöne Aufnahmen, Keith!
Keith Burton club has replied to trester88 clubWe've had very few spiders inside or outside this year. When we do have them indoors and she spots them first, my wife is quite happy to take them outside :-)
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