25 favorites     10 comments    148 visits

1/2500 f/4.0 210.0 mm ISO 400


M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-14

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Silence Silence


Keith Burton

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148 visits

Rabbits & Mist, Skokholm Island

Rabbits & Mist, Skokholm Island
Please excuse the rubbish photo, it's one of the very few I have available on my iPad to upload.

I just wanted to let you know my computer has died and that I won't be around for a few days. It's off to be repaired tomorrow. Luckily this will coincide with IP going offline for a day or anyway, so hopefully my computer will be repaired by the time IP is up and running again.

I still have my iPad and 'phone so I can still view and leave stars, but commenting is a real pain in the bum and takes forever so I won't be doing that :-)

Take care & stay safe!

xenophora, Eunice Perkins, Earthwatcher, Simon Downham and 21 other people have particularly liked this photo

10 comments - The latest ones
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
You have left us with a beautiful image Keith. It's absolutely stunning!! I hope all is sorted soon. I had problems accessing Ipernity recently and agree, it's a real pain in the bum on the mobile!
4 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
Thanks Rosa........I'm surprised so many people liked this. I hated it when I posted it, but it's growing on me now :-))
4 years ago.
neira-Dan club
un côte bien vivante
4 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to neira-Dan club
Thanks very much Dan........
4 years ago.
Berny club
The silhouette is so great ;-)
4 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Berny club
Thanks Berny!
4 years ago.
trester88 club
Eine sehr schöne Lichtwirkung über dem Meer! Ein Kaninchen hat Wachdienst ;-)
4 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to trester88 club
Ha, ha.............rabbits can be quite frightening you know! Glad you like it Wilhelm.
4 years ago.
Earthwatcher club
It's lovely. Not a 'rubbish photo' at all. Well observed and captured!
4 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Earthwatcher club
You're very kind Earthwatcher..............I think I'm probably my own worst critic :-) Thanks very much for dropping by.
4 years ago.