Bremsklötze niederwalzen!

Beyond Snark

Folder: /ˌmisəˈlānēəs/

22 Jun 2013

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Bremsklötze niederwalzen!

The Merkel Roller unleashed. (Hand drawn and then vectorized) Angela Merkel (now German chancellor) on how to deal with obstacles to growth (Kiel, Germany, 2005-06-12): Where there are road blocks, "we'll have to roll them down." (Wo es Bremsklötze gebe, "da müssen wir sie niederwalzen.") For that ambitious goal she surely needs powerful equipment. See also (in German): - -

05 May 2010

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Denki! - Tokyo 2003

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11 May 2002

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Crows are Artists too!

A B&W reproduction of my photo you find on page 211 in Josef H. Reichholf's book " Rabenschwarze Intelligenz: Was wir von Krähen lernen können " (Crow black intelligence: What we can learn from crows), March 2011 I took this photo of a crow's nest fallen down from a tree in 2002 in a suburb of Tokyo (Higashi-Yukigaya). Nearby was a dry clean where the bird probably found ample supply of exiting avantgarde construction elements. But I do not know, whether a storm brought the nest down or whether the bird only was experimenting not too successfully with futuristic designs for courtship.

12 Oct 2002

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Ikegami matsuri

Festival in Ikegami, Japan, October 2002

14 Apr 2002

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Shibuya Evening

Tokyo 2002

03 Feb 2003

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Taichung Temple

Taipei 2003

13 May 2002


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A new Antenna

Taken from Shinkansen passing by some village near Nagoya, 2002

10 Jun 2013

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"Shinjuku Business Hotel" at Night

Vectorized segment of a smaller photo Location: Japan -> Tokyo -> Shinjuku

02 Jun 2002


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Festival in Asakusabashi (Tokyo), June 2002
17 items in total