10 favorites     3 comments    185 visits

1/160 f/8.0 180.0 mm ISO 400

Canon EOS 5D Mark III


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Committed photography Committed photography

Give PEACE a Chance! Give PEACE a Chance!

Magical sunlight Magical sunlight

beauty through light beauty through light

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185 visits

Gedenken an Jina Mahsa Amini (+ 16.9.22)

Gedenken an Jina Mahsa Amini (+ 16.9.22)


5D3 6040-FHD-zus-liceq-schar-text

Fred Fouarge, LotharW, Ulrich John, Malik Raoulda and 6 other people have particularly liked this photo

Annemarie club
16 months ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
IMPECCABLE et joliment partagée avec ce magnifique Clair-Obscur et cette belle mise en valeur.
Bon dimanche.
16 months ago.
LotharW club
Es gibt fast jeden Samstag Protestkundgebungen in Köln und am vergangenen Samstag sah ich in Hamburg eine beeinduckende Demo gegen das Regime
16 months ago.

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