Esther's favorite photos

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By * ઇઉ *

49 favorites

Peace for the World

AI gen. An unforgettable impression — kind and compassionate — that's love. I wish us all peace and contemplative holidays.

By Peter_Private_Box

27 favorites

Old abandoned house Saffron Walden

HWW! Same as

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By Peter_Private_Box

18 favorites

Electric scooter left to rot in the mud.

Perhaps the best thing that could happen to it!!

By Günter Klaus

51 favorites

Im gleichen kleinen Wald noch drinnen :)) Still inside the same small forest :)) Toujours dans la même petite forêt :))

Für mich ist dieser kleine Wald immer eine Energiequelle,weil grade da drinnen diese Ruhe und Stille am meisten rüberkommt und man nur Naturgeräusche hört,ich brauche da meistens 15 min,aber diese genieße ich immer am liebsten :)) Pip1-4: Waldaufnahmen mit dem schönsten Lichteinfall For me, this small forest is always a source of energy, because it is in there that the peace and quiet comes across the most and you only hear natural sounds. I usually need 15 minutes there, but I always enjoy them the most :)) Pip1-4: Forest shots with the most beautiful light Pour moi, cette petite forêt est toujours une source d'énergie, car c'est là que l'on ressent le plus de calme et de tranquillité et que l'on n'entend que des sons naturels. J'y passe généralement 15 minutes, mais c'est toujours là que j'apprécie le plus :) ) Pip1-4 : Des photos de forêt avec la plus belle lumière

By Günter Klaus

50 favorites

Wenn die Blätter ihre Frische verlieren :)) When the leaves lose their freshness :)) Quand les feuilles perdent leur fraîcheur :))

Ich habe dieses Braun der Blätter in der übergänglichen,winterlichen Zeit als sehr schön gesehen und mir ein paar Blätter ausgesucht für ein paar Nahaufnahmen :)) Pip1-4: Nahaufnahmen der Blätter I found this brown of the leaves to be very beautiful in the transitional, wintery time and chose a few leaves for a few close-ups :)) Pip1-4: Close-ups of the leaves J'ai trouvé ce brun des feuilles très beau pendant la période de transition hivernale et j'ai choisi quelques feuilles pour quelques gros plans :)) Pip1-4 : Gros plans des feuilles

By Günter Klaus

43 favorites

Glasklar :)) Crystal clear :)) Clair comme du cristal :))

Auch die Kälte ist für schöne Motive verantwortlich und sorgt für schöne Kunstwerke :)) Pip1-3: Nahaufnahmen von Eisbildern und Frostkristallen The cold is also responsible for beautiful motifs and makes for beautiful works of art :)) Pip1-3: Close-ups of ice pictures and frost crystals Le froid est également responsable de beaux motifs et crée de belles œuvres d'art :)) Pip1-3 : Gros plans d'images de glace et de cristaux de givre

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By Stephan Fey

67 favorites

Where peaceful rivers flow

1 pip, better in full screen

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By Stephan Fey

59 favorites

Australische Wasseragame

So ist die Haltung perfekt, jetzt noch lächeln! :-) Press Z

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By Jaap van 't Veen

41 favorites

Nederland - Poederoyen, Slot Loevestein

Slot Loevestein (Loevestein Castle), or officially Museum Slot Loevestein , is one of the most well-known castles of the Netherlands. The castle was built by the knight Dirk Loef of Horne (hence "Loef's stein" (stone) house) between 1357 and 1368. Around 1575 it was expanded to a larger fortress surrounded by earthen fortifications with two (later three) stone bastions, two moats, an arsenal, and barracks for a commander and soldiers. The castle was also integrated into the Hollandic Water Line. From 1614 on Slot Loevestein was used as a state prison. In 1619 a famous Dutch jurist, humanist, lawyer and poet “Hugo de Groot”, was imprisoned in the castle together with his wife and daughter to serve a life term sentence. In 1621 however he managed to escape from the castle by hiding in a big wooden bookcase, which was being brought out of the castle. In the 19th century the castle was incorporated into a new and enlarged earthwork fortress, which made the castle an important stronghold in the New Dutch Waterline (a line of defensive works using water throughout the western part of Holland) and is part of this 200-kilometer long UNESCO World heritage Site. During all these works the bailey of the castle was torn down, the sole remnant is the round tower which was used as a powder magazine. Loevestein Castle lost its military function in 1952. Nowadays Slot Loevestein is used as a medieval museum and function centre.
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