Relationship with a Rockstar

rock'n stones

As a retiree PhD Geologist I have an affinity to the aesthetics of rocks and stones beyond scientifics. I remember a zen koan like this:

first there is a mountain
later on
there is knowledge -
rocks and stones
no more mountain -
there is !

19 Feb 2021

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227 visits

Relationship with a Rockstar

09 Nov 2020

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290 visits

Don‘t do it!

I did in teenager times in my homeland Minette South Luxembourg. And I‘m not proud about - a friend of mine got hurt very badly by a rock falling down, he lost 2 fingers!

21 Jun 2020

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388 visits


Some more stones from my homeland. In front you see plenty of shells, sediment rock composition. Minette is a type of mineral deposit, consisting of iron ore of sedimentary origin, found in the south of Luxembourg and in Lorraine. Minette ore was deposited in the Early and Middle Jurassic.The term "Minette" came from French miners. It is a diminutive form of "la mine", and might be translated as "little mine“ because of relatively poor iron content of between 28% and 34%.

04 Aug 2020

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124 visits

rock'n stones 123

Heiderscheidergrund Luxembourg: 400 million year old Devonian schists with ripple marks, epicontinental sea sediments of thousands of metres sickness, transformed later on into schists followed by orogeny during carboniferous time.

06 Sep 2015

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105 visits

rock'n stones 713

Cornwalll UK

13 Sep 2015

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176 visits

rock'n stones 938

Cornwall UK cheesewings megalith

12 Oct 2014

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174 visits

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Müllertal Luxembourg: Jurassic Sandstone

19 Jul 2013

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113 visits

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Eifel Germany: volcanic bomb

15 Feb 2015

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181 visits

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Luxemburger Sandstein, Müllertal: Einschlüsse im Sedimentgestein, durch Verwitterung sichtbar
34 items in total