Elvert Barnes' photos

FullWolfMoon.SilverSpringMD.28January202 1

28 Jan 2021 431
View of FULL WOLF MOON from the 900 block of Bonifant Street in Silver Spring, Maryland on Thursday night, 28 January 2021 by Elvert Barnes Photography Elvert Barnes DOWNTOWN SILVER SPRING MD 2021 docu-project at elvertbarnes.com/DowntownSilverSpring2021




15 Mar 2016 1589
2010 National Police Week . 22nd Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial at Judiciary Square in 400 block of E Street, NW, Washington DC on Thursday evening, 13 May 2010 by Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography OFFICIAL PROGRAM Visit my 22nd Candlelight Vigil webpage at elvertbarnes.com/22ndCandlelightVigil2010.html


15 Mar 2016 1553
2010 National Police Week . 22nd Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial at Judiciary Square in 400 block of E Street, NW, Washington DC on Thursday evening, 13 May 2010 by Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography OFFICIAL PROGRAM Visit my 22nd Candlelight Vigil webpage at elvertbarnes.com/22ndCandlelightVigil2010.html


15 Mar 2016 1499
2010 National Police Week . 22nd Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial at Judiciary Square in 400 block of E Street, NW, Washington DC on Thursday evening, 13 May 2010 by Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography OFFICIAL PROGRAM Visit my 22nd Candlelight Vigil webpage at elvertbarnes.com/22ndCandlelightVigil2010.html


15 Mar 2016 1566
DC Emancipation Day Commemoration / Rally at Franklin Square Park at 13th and I Streets, NW, Washington DC on Friday morning, 16 April 2010 by Elvert Barnes Photography Visit my 2010 DC Emancipation Day Commemoration webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/2010-EmancipationDay-WDC.html Read my blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2010/04/2010-dc-emancipation-day-commemoration.html


15 Mar 2016 1667
G40 Art Summit / Crystal City . New York Artists / 5th Floor . Plaza Five . 223 23rd Street . Arlington VA . Wednesday evening, 24 March 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit my March 2010 G40 Art Summit docu project at elvertbarnes.com/G40Summit-Art-CrystalCity G-40 Art Summit / Crystal City BID website at crystalcity.org/do/g-40-art-summit G40: The Summit / Art Whino website at www.artwhino.com/g40/

DC.Indymedia.April2000.IMFWB.WeekendSche dule

15 Mar 2016 1620
DC Indymedia Schedule for IMF Weekend dcindymedia.org/ _______________________ BREAK THE BANK Disrupt the IMF/ World Bank Spring Meetings Rally at Murrow Park on Pennsylvania Avenue at H and 18th Streets, NW, Washington DC on Saturday afternoon, 25 April 2009 by Elvert Barnes Protest Photography GLOBAL JUSTICE ACTION at globaljusticeaction.wordpress.com Read 25 April 2009 NYT article at thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/04/25/the-police-and-protesters-clash-at-world-bank-headquarters Elvert Barnes April 2009 BREAK THE BANK Disrupt the IMF / World Bank Spring Meetings Demonstrations docu-project at elvertbarnes.com/IMFWorldBankProtests-April2009


15 Mar 2016 1202
BLESSING OF THE FLEETS AT THE UNITED STATES NAVY MEMORIAL Saturday, 4 April 2009 @ 1:00 PM Right after the National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington DC

April2009.BreakTheBank.IMFWB.Protests.Fl yer

15 Mar 2016 1786
BREAK THE BANK Disrupt the IMF/ World Bank Spring Meetings Rally at Murrow Park on Pennsylvania Avenue at H and 18th Streets, NW, Washington DC on Saturday afternoon, 25 April 2009 by Elvert Barnes Protest Photography GLOBAL JUSTICE ACTION at globaljusticeaction.wordpress.com Read 25 April 2009 NYT article at thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/04/25/the-police-and-protesters-clash-at-world-bank-headquarters Elvert Barnes April 2009 BREAK THE BANK Disrupt the IMF / World Bank Spring Meetings Demonstrations docu-project at elvertbarnes.com/IMFWorldBankProtests-April2009

Tracks.LoveInTheShadows.House.MAL.Januar y2016

20 Jan 2016 1341
Artwork for LOVE IN THE SHADOWS House / Remixed / Gay Circuit Mix In Celebration of 32nd Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend EXB 2016.1 Released 14 January 2015 2:21:19 length MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/10240864 Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1SuLswWtNBrMd1xnvEwb7a29ZfzcSD... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology ________________________ Photo Details: 21st Gay Pride Day Celebration FREEDOM DUNGEON DANCE in NW Washington DC on Saturday night, 8 June 1996 by Elvert Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes WASHINGTON DC GAY PRIDE ongoing project at elvertbarnes.com/DCGayPride Original photo at www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/23909754789

Cover.LoveInTheShadows.House.MAL.January 2016

20 Jan 2016 1407
Artwork for LOVE IN THE SHADOWS House / Remixed / Gay Circuit Mix In Celebration of 32nd Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend EXB 2016.1 Released 14 January 2015 2:21:19 length MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/10240864 Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1SuLswWtNBrMd1xnvEwb7a29ZfzcSD... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology ________________________ Photo Details: 21st Gay Pride Day Celebration FREEDOM DUNGEON DANCE in NW Washington DC on Saturday night, 8 June 1996 by Elvert Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes WASHINGTON DC GAY PRIDE ongoing project at elvertbarnes.com/DCGayPride Original photo at www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/23909754789

Tracks.GodsMessage.House.MLKD.January201 6

20 Jan 2016 995
Artwork for GOD'S MESSAGE Underground House Mix In Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Weekend Gay Circuit Series EXB Mix 2016.2 Released 15 January 2015 3:44:59 length YOUR LISTEN at yourlisten.com/MIXOLOGY/gods-message-underground-house-ml... Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1A2yiaCi1hNft9m-j0StDPkvaa_bbS... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology ________________________ Photo Details: Assembly before 40th Baltimore Gay Pride Parade March on Cathedral between West Monument and West Centre Street in Baltimore MD on Saturday afternoon, 25 July 2015 by Elvert Barnes Photography GOD LOVES YOU JUST AS YOU ARE Banner Metropolitan Community Church of Baltimore www.facebook.com/mcc.baltimore 40th BALTIMORE GAY PRIDE 2015 elvertbarnes.com/40BaltimorePride2015


20 Jan 2016 981
Artwork for GOD'S MESSAGE Underground House Mix In Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Weekend Gay Circuit Series EXB Mix 2016.2 Released 15 January 2015 3:44:59 length YOUR LISTEN at yourlisten.com/MIXOLOGY/gods-message-underground-house-ml... Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1A2yiaCi1hNft9m-j0StDPkvaa_bbS... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology ________________________ Photo Details: Assembly before 40th Baltimore Gay Pride Parade March on Cathedral between West Monument and West Centre Street in Baltimore MD on Saturday afternoon, 25 July 2015 by Elvert Barnes Photography GOD LOVES YOU JUST AS YOU ARE Banner Metropolitan Community Church of Baltimore www.facebook.com/mcc.baltimore 40th BALTIMORE GAY PRIDE 2015 elvertbarnes.com/40BaltimorePride2015


29 Dec 2015 871
Artwork for SPACE ODDITY New Age / Space / Cosmic Music Mix New Age Music Collection EXB Mix 2015.27 Released 29 December 2015 MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/10163664 Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1phn_W_w4RCugOR44z-0QwV4tkP-74... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Credit: Speedster Star Shocks the Galaxy NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope 20 February 2014 www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/details.php?id=PIA17843


29 Dec 2015 857
Artwork for SPACE ODDITY New Age / Space / Cosmic Music Mix New Age Music Collection EXB Mix 2015.27 Released 29 December 2015 MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/10163664 Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1phn_W_w4RCugOR44z-0QwV4tkP-74... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Credit: Speedster Star Shocks the Galaxy NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope 20 February 2014 www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/details.php?id=PIA17843

Tracks.BelieveInTheMusic.House.WP.Novemb er2015

21 Nov 2015 1230
Artwork for BELIEVE IN THE MUSIC Underground House 31st WHITE PARTY / THANKSGIVING WEEKEND 2015 Mix EXB Mix 2015.22 Released 21 November 2015 MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/10082770 Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1L9VNRqmd61GOl4c1E2_Mv_STEa_gB... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology ________________ Photo Details: Millennium March On Washington For Equality Festival on Pennsylvania Avenue at 6th Street, NW, Washington DC Sunday afternoon, 30 April 2000 by Elvert Barnes Protest Photography Roll 11/11 Elvert Barnes April 2000 MMOW docu-project at www.elvertbarnes.com/April2000-MMOW Original Photo at www.ipernity.com/doc/elvertbarnes/7720368/

40920 items in total