Elbertinum's favorite photos

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Akureyri : le cascate di Godafoss

Akureyri Godafoss - rainbow

Akureyri Godafoss : cascate consecutive

REYKJAVIK: Gulfoss waterfall

Cervières : torrent de la Cerveyrette - HFF - HAPP…

L'eau vive in Valle Stretta

LV - Riga - Herder-Platz

Blaue Schafe an der Weser

HWW - Play fair and save the World

Zwei Augen und zwei Ohren

Fort de l'Esseillon vallée de l'arc- Savoie

Brotaron las cuatro flores de la orquídea

sphinx gazé .....

mante religieuse .....


Vermillion Cliffs

A clapper bridge. One of the original bridges on t…

Blühende Akazie

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