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Take it from the Top

Take it from the Top
over Sanna Bay, Ardnamurchan, September 2009
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Christel Ehretsmann, , , have particularly liked this photo

wow, what an extraordinary landscape.
I had to search by google, this is in Scotland, I wasn't expecting that...
15 years ago.
 Christel Ehretsmann
Christel Ehretsmann club
like a resting feminine body
strange light blue colours ...I mean strange for Scotland...I don't remember having seen that particular colourat the time I was up there...
very beautiful
15 years ago.
Shi* has replied to Christel Ehretsmann club
When the sun shines, Christel, it is like the Greek Islands or Big Sur ... but even in the summer that water is terribly cold.

... but clear.

However, the weather there (as you probably know) can be all four seasons in one day!
15 years ago.

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