Courambel's photos

IMG 1885


21 Feb 2008 784
Pellerins tibétains

Lamasserie de Daersi

Lamasserie de Daersi

Qinghai home


12 Jan 2007 4 905
other colors, other light, other smiles

yak et l'enfant

Timeless China - Daersi 1985


14 Feb 2008 1 851
Je refais chauffer mon Epson perfection 4990...

Timeless China - Beijing 1984

Staying alive

18 Apr 2007 1 639
Santa Maria del Buen Ayre (Gotan Project) People often prefer the croped manipulated version. I prefer the original. The black and red contrast (clothes of dancers), the general contrast (ground and dark silhouettes of people, the large background wich (for me) give respiration and more intensity to the dancers movement... the contrast between people in movement, and the immobility of the spectators.

Staying alive

Staying alive

18 Apr 2007 1 578
A Bee Gees song to accompagny this serie ( Saturday Night fever , though the general title could be 'staying alive' ...), alternatively : Santa Maria del Buen Ayre (Gotan Project, thanks to KaRiNe :) I had very few free time during my mission in China. In Pekin, only a little afternoon... i decided to go to the bamboo park, hopping there will be some activities there... I like this serie, not 'Flickr Art...', not great pics, but great people. I'm pround that i achieve to be accepted by this group of dancers. As you will notice, very few look at the camera, and they seem to do their best, just for us...

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