The End of the Tulip flower time... (2)
The End of the Tulip flower time... (1)
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The End of the Tulip flower time... (3)
When the tulips are full in bloom, they will loss there flowers by 'kop'machines.
After ‘kopping’ the flowers, the leaves will die and the bulbs will grow and grow... And after that, the bulbs will be harvested and stored in the cooling for a few months.
Then they are replanted in October-November on another place!
So they have to do this for three years and then are the bulbs ready for export!
After ‘kopping’ the flowers, the leaves will die and the bulbs will grow and grow... And after that, the bulbs will be harvested and stored in the cooling for a few months.
Then they are replanted in October-November on another place!
So they have to do this for three years and then are the bulbs ready for export!
appo-fam, brunosma, Petar Bojić, buonacoppi and 7 other people have particularly liked this photo
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Chris10 club has replied to Marie-claire GalletAfter ‘kopping’ the leaves will die... And after that the bulbs will be harvested and stored in the cooling for a few months.
Then they are replanted in October-November on another place!
Best Wishes, Herb
Chris10 club has replied to Herb Riddle clubBut all that people do there work in the warm sun! All the flowers which are still on the tulpis have to put away. It's not the best work for your back :(
Greetz and thanks, Christien.
Chris10 club has replied to Ronald Stachowiak clubAls de tulpen volop in bloei staan, moeten de koppen eraf gehaald worden... Anders komt de bol niet tot volledige groei!
De kopmachines kunnen het niet in één keer goed doen omdat deze tulpen op korte steeltjes staan, daarom is er daarnaast ook nog erg veel mankracht nodig. Dat is idd wat je hier ziet!
Groet, Christien.
Chris10 club has replied to Nouchetdu38 clubGroeten, Christien.
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