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1/500 • f/6.3 • 350.0 mm • ISO 200 •
E 70-350mm F4.5-6.3 G OSS
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188 visits
Die Hosenbiene bei der Arbeit - The pantaloon bee at work - PiPs
In sandigen Gebieten kann man gelegentlich die bienengroße Hosenbiene (Dasypoda hirtipes) beobachten, die auffällt, weil sie nach der Landung in einer Compositen-Blüte sofort heftige Drehbewegungen ausführt. Nach kurzer Zeit hat sie dann an den Hinterbeinen einen dicken Pollenkloß, den sie in ihr Erdnest einträgt. Dies ist ihr möglich, weil sie an den Hinterbeinen auffällig lange Borsten besitzt, mit denen sie die Pollenkörner buchstäblich abfegt. Die auffälligen Hinterbeine zeigt PiP1 (das Foto stammt von Christian Fischer, veröffentlicht bei Wikipedia upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/DasypodaHirtipesFemale1.jpg
Das PiP2 zeigt eine Hosenbiene mit großen Pollenklößen.
In sandy areas you can occasionally observe the bee-sized pantaloon bee (Dasypoda hirtipes), which is conspicuous because after landing in a Compositae flower it immediately performs violent twisting movements. After a short time, it has a thick pollen ball on its hind legs, which is carried into its earth nest. It is able to do this because it has strikingly long bristles on its hind legs with which it literally sweeps away the pollen grains. PiP1 shows the striking hind legs (the photo was taken by Christian Fischer and published on Wikipedia upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/DasypodaHirtipesFemale1.jpg PiP2 shows a pantaloonbee with large pollen balls.
Translate into English
Das PiP2 zeigt eine Hosenbiene mit großen Pollenklößen.
In sandy areas you can occasionally observe the bee-sized pantaloon bee (Dasypoda hirtipes), which is conspicuous because after landing in a Compositae flower it immediately performs violent twisting movements. After a short time, it has a thick pollen ball on its hind legs, which is carried into its earth nest. It is able to do this because it has strikingly long bristles on its hind legs with which it literally sweeps away the pollen grains. PiP1 shows the striking hind legs (the photo was taken by Christian Fischer and published on Wikipedia upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/DasypodaHirtipesFemale1.jpg PiP2 shows a pantaloonbee with large pollen balls.
HelenaPF, Nouchetdu38, Leo W, Berny and 23 other people have particularly liked this photo
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