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1/500 • f/6.3 • 350.0 mm • ISO 640 •
E 70-350mm F4.5-6.3 G OSS
EXIF - See more detailsSee also...
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" Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "
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273 visits
Frühe Adonislibelle: eine kleine Schönheit - Large red damselfly: a little beauty
Eigentlich ist die ziemlich kleine Frühe Adonislibelle (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) weit verbreitet. Da sie sie aber selten frei sitzt, sondern eine dichte Ufervegetation bevorzugt, in der die Tiere sich verbergen können, wird diese auffällig gefärbte Art nicht so oft wahrgenommen wie andere häufige Kleinlibellen. Wie alle heimischen Libellen steht sie nach Bundesnaturschutzgesetz deutschlandweit unter besonderem Schutz. Übrigens wird der Name dieser Libelle von der roten Farbe mancher Adonisröschen-Arten abgeleitet.
Das Foto und das PiP entstanden an einem kleinen Waldtümpel.
Actually, the quite small large red damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) is widespread. However, as it rarely sits freely, preferring dense riparian vegetation where the animals can hide, this strikingly coloured species is not as often noticed as other common damselflies. Like all native dragonflies, it is under special protection throughout Germany under the Federal Nature Conservation Act. By the way, the name of this dragonfly is derived from the red colour of some Adonis species.
The photo and the PiP were taken at a small forest pond.
Translate into English
Das Foto und das PiP entstanden an einem kleinen Waldtümpel.
Actually, the quite small large red damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) is widespread. However, as it rarely sits freely, preferring dense riparian vegetation where the animals can hide, this strikingly coloured species is not as often noticed as other common damselflies. Like all native dragonflies, it is under special protection throughout Germany under the Federal Nature Conservation Act. By the way, the name of this dragonfly is derived from the red colour of some Adonis species.
The photo and the PiP were taken at a small forest pond.
Andrea Ertl, salfredo, WiePet, Patrick Brandy and 23 other people have particularly liked this photo
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je n'en ai pas encore vu cette année !
Bon mardi .
Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
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