
trucks - oldies and wrecks

wrecks and still operating oldtimers


04 Feb 2015 46 11 1072
Kraz KpA3, 6 x 6 truck, built in Soviet Union

the turquoise Opel.......

green truck in green fields

16 Jan 2010 26 5 1360
Chile - southern Patagonia


rubber and steel

beware of the dodge

07 Feb 2015 22 3 890
old Dodge truck at the Estancia Haberton, Tierra del Fuego -Patagonia, see the dangerousness in the PiP ;-)

old fire truck

16 Jan 2010 10 3 1261
Cuerpo de Bomberos Puerto Williams


09 Feb 2015 35 8 1169
looking into a fireless future.... Ford fire truck at Museo Mina Rica, Patagonia, previously working in Puerto Williams, the most southern village on earth!

lost fire truck

broken view

16 Jan 2010 30 5 1657
see PiP for color version

Old blue truck - 2

The dark eye of the blue Benz........

Old blue truck - 1

09 Sep 2008 1019

Another old Benz

31 Aug 2008 5 4 1334
Still in work at the Port of Kissamos.......

I'm alive.....!

02 Sep 2009 27 14 2023
better on black..........seen in the port of Kissamos

The Rear Window

31 Aug 2008 11 4 1426
not from Hitchcock, but from an abandoned truck in the port of Kissamos..........

the orange barque

= flat springs =

89 items in total