
Berny club

Posted: 29 Jan 2021

Taken: 31 May 1986

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Niagara Falls - 1986

Niagara Falls - 1986
The right bank side of Horseshoe Falls at the Canadian-US border, seen from the boat "Maid of the Mist". People in the upper left of the image are standing on Goat Island.

scanned slide, Minolta X700

Tanja - Loughcrew, Ruesterstaude, Gary Benson (grbenson3 on flickr), Wierd Folkersma and 61 other people have particularly liked this photo

35 comments - The latest ones
 John Cass
John Cass
Wow, Beautiful image.
3 years ago.
 @ngélique ❤️
@ngélique ❤️ club
superbe ************bon we Berny
3 years ago.
uwschu club
Hammer Aufnahme, gewaltiger Anblick.
Da finde ich S/W besonders schön. Blickfang auch die Beobachter links oben, schade das nicht der gesamte Bereich drauf ist, wirkt am Geländerende etwas abgeschnitten. Aber das ist Jammern auf hohem Niveau, ich war noch nie da
3 years ago.
Berny club has replied to uwschu club
An und für sich hatte das alte Dia eine schlechte Qualität, ausgeblichen etc., Schwarzweiß ließ sich da viel mehr rausholen. Danke Dir!
3 years ago.
gezginruh club
A great series really!!

Best wishes
3 years ago.
 Boarischa Krautmo
Boarischa Krautmo club
3 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
een heel byzondere niagarafalls foto
3 years ago.
 Diana Australis
Diana Australis club
Love it!
3 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Berny
A very nice set of pictures picture, which I like very much!
Wonderful and interesting compositions.
I had been there a few years earlier, so a nice memory for me! Thank you!

Best Wishes, a nice weekend, and stay safe!!
3 years ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Gigantesque ******
Bonne et agréable fin de semaine.
3 years ago.
 José Manuel Polo
José Manuel Polo club
Muy buena. Contrasta el ímpetu con que el agua fluye y se despeña, con la mansedumbre que adopta en su remanso. Buen fin de semana, Berny.
3 years ago.
 John FitzGerald
John FitzGerald club
Another stunner, and more great work.
3 years ago.
 Jean-louis Thiaudiere
Jean-louis Thiaudier… club
Superbe série enjolivée par le noir et blanc*************
3 years ago.
 Yves Saulnier
Yves Saulnier
Belles images de ces très célèbres chutes souvent mal photographiées.
3 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
Power ! Toll in Szene gesetzt, Berny ! Wie schon gesagt: eine beeindruckende Serie !
3 years ago.
 Jocelyne Villoing
Jocelyne Villoing club
Vraiment admirable, j'aime aussi ce dégradé de gris !+++++++++++
3 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Fascinating waterfall; very well captured Berny.
3 years ago.
People above the edge give a sense of scale to the height of the falls. Amazing place.
3 years ago.
 Gilbert H
Gilbert H
Remarquable rendu N/B !Bon weekend !
3 years ago.
J.Garcia club
Imposing and fantastic perspective!!
Fabulous, Berny
3 years ago.
 Pat Del
Pat Del club
Les 'Horseshoes Falls' sont les plus spectaculaires des chutes du Niagara !
3 years ago.
tiabunna club
That really is spectacular and I really like the cloud formations popping over the top of the falls.
3 years ago.
Berny club has replied to tiabunna club
Many thanks George, I had the same association ;-)
3 years ago.
neira-Dan club
Fantastique !!
3 years ago.
Wow **************
3 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
A wonderfully dramatic image Berny.................such a pity we don't have audio as well.

Your shot is very well composed and shows the phenomenal power of the water perfectly. I like the silhouetted people at the top..........they give us a great sense of scale.
3 years ago.
 Richard Chamberlain
Richard Chamberlain
Stunning Berny.
3 years ago.
volker_hmbg club
Starkes S/W Bild!
3 years ago.
©UdoSm club
GEWALTIG !!!! Eine tolle Aufnahme...
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Hélène Lombard
Hélène Lombard
>Un cadrage fort et beau sur ces chutes fantastiques !!!
3 years ago.
Gudrun club
Klasse! das sieht aus, als ob sich die Wolken auch gleich die Fälle runterstürzen wollten....
3 years ago.
Berny club has replied to Gudrun club
So hab ich das auch gesehen ;-) Vielen Dank!
3 years ago.
 Gary Benson (grbenson3 on flickr)
Gary Benson (grbenso…
3 years ago.
raingirl club
I remember being there as a young girl. Your image from such a low angle and with the perfect clouds is so wonderful.

found in group 'Black and White'
3 years ago.
 Tanja - Loughcrew
Tanja - Loughcrew club
....als würde die Welt überlaufen!
3 years ago.

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