
Berny club

Posted: 29 May 2020

Taken: 10 Feb 2020

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519 visits

Guantanamo - HFF!

Guantanamo - HFF!
Don't trust guidebooks! The town Guantanamo (don't confuse it with the prison "Guantanamo Bay" 25 km south) is often described as not worth to stay or to see, tourists would only travel through and even the locals would look not very happy. To the contrary it's a very nice and interesting place, well worth to visit!

HFF and a safe and happy weekend, my friends ;-)

Tanja - Loughcrew, buonacoppi, appo-fam, and 66 other people have particularly liked this photo

41 comments - The latest ones
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Nice and colourful street scene.
4 years ago.
Erika+Manfred club
Looks really pretty.
HFF, wish you a fine weekend, keep safe and stay healthy
4 years ago.
Loose_Grip/Pete club
I confused it! HFF and have a great weekend.
4 years ago.
polytropos club
Eigentlich ein schönes Kaff; hat aber leider durch den US-Stützpunkt einen etwas negativen Touch erhalten. ;-)
4 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
Great bright colours and excellent fence.
HFF & wish you a good weekend.
4 years ago.
 Jean-louis Thiaudiere
Jean-louis Thiaudier… club
Très bel endroit coloré.

Bon week end!
4 years ago.
 Karl Hartwig Schütz
Karl Hartwig Schütz club
HFF Dir!
4 years ago.
Christa1004 club
Da sieht man mal wieder : man soll nicht alles glauben, was man liest - der Touristenführer hat sich total geirrt !! Es sieht sehr bunt und fröhlich dort aus. HFF Berny und frohe Pfingsten.
4 years ago.
 Erhard Bernstein
Erhard Bernstein club
4 years ago.
Léopold club
I totally agree with your statement Berny. Guantanamo city is highly worth to see.
4 years ago.
 Annalia S.
Annalia S. club
So colorful (both the fence and the town), Berny! And, as usual, beautifully composed and full of well defined and interesting details.
4 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Lovely colours and a great lloking place,
HFF and a good weekend.
4 years ago.
 Dida From Augsburg
Dida From Augsburg club
Das is doch ein fröhlicher, bunter Ort - und mit dem "Knast" schon mal gar nicht zu verwechseln! ;-D

HFF, Berny - xund bleiben!
4 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
HFF Berny Mooi weekeinde en Houd je Gezond!
4 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Looks a grand place despite the name. Well done.

HFF, have a safe and happy weekend. Herb
4 years ago.
 Dimas Sequeira
Dimas Sequeira club
Gorgeous street view! HFF, Berny!
4 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
HFF, Berny ! Ich wünsch dir ein schönes Wochenende !
4 years ago.
tiabunna club
A beautiful colourful street. I learned long ago to distrust tourist guide books, the reports often seem to depend on which side of the bed the writer climbed from that morning. :-) HFF, stay safe and best wishes for the weekend.
4 years ago.
neira-Dan club
très beau HFF Berny
4 years ago.
 John Cass
John Cass
Wonderful capture, nicely composed.
4 years ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
der Name Guantanamo ruft in mir nur den Gedanken an das bekannte Gefängnis hervor und ich bin erstaunt über dieses schöne Bild.... dort war ich auf meiner Cuba Reise eben nicht.....
4 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
Beautiful.........l like the vibrant colours in this shot! HFF Berny........I hope you have a cracking weekend.
4 years ago.
 Mecklenburg-Foto (Reinhard L.)
Mecklenburg-Foto (Re… club
Sieht wirklich schön und gepflegt aus, ist aber garantiert auch nicht repräsentativ für den ganzen Ort. HFF!
4 years ago.
Berny club has replied to Mecklenburg-Foto (Re… club
Natürlich nicht, wie fast in jeder Stadt in Österreich oder Deutschland auch gibt es einen gepflegteren Teil und einen weniger schönen......
4 years ago.
Annemarie club
wonderful this street scene!
4 years ago.
 Jocelyne Villoing
Jocelyne Villoing club
En effet un bel aperçu ici !***************
HFF Berny.
4 years ago.
Bergfex club
Ein nettes Städtchen.
HFF Berny!
4 years ago.
TOZ club
Super Image Berny.
HFF have a great wekend.
4 years ago.
cammino club
Bunte Straßenszene. HFF!
4 years ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
4 years ago.
 Hélène Lombard
Hélène Lombard
Une belle rue colorée et gaie !! Bon WE.
4 years ago.
 Boarischa Krautmo
Boarischa Krautmo club
4 years ago.
trester88 club
Schön farbenfroh!
HFF, Berny, und ein schönes sonniges Pfingstwochenende!
4 years ago.
Ecobird club
What a beautiful place, - light, bright and colouful. A terrific capture Berny. It is good you went to find out what it was like for yourself. HFF and have a good weekend
4 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Yes, it does look colourful, clean, and happy! Are you sure it's not a Potemkin town, Berny?
4 years ago.
Berny club has replied to Andy Rodker club
I'm sure, Andy ;-)
4 years ago.
 Diana Australis
Diana Australis club
It looks really interesting!
4 years ago.
uwschu club
HFF Berny
4 years ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Sieht wirklich so aus,als ob sich ein Besuch lohnen würde. HFF, wünsche Dir ein sonniges WE - und bleib gesund, Berny !
4 years ago.
gezginruh club
What a pretty picture here!
Belated HFF and have a nice weekend, Berny!
Stay safe !

Best wishes
4 years ago.
 Trudy Tuinstra
Trudy Tuinstra club
Have a nice weekend
4 years ago.

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