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25.04.2015 :Il 'BOCOLO'(Bocciolo) Veneziano.
Dalla fine della IIà Guerra mondiale , in Italia, in questa data, si festeggia La Festa della Liberazione dal nazifascizmo per cui combatterono , accanto agli Alleati, tutti i partiti antifascisti italiani e gli azionisti, cioè i membri del partito d'Azione.
Ma, lo stesso giorno, è dedicato a S.Marco Evangelista , patrono di Venezia in cui come una tradizione centenaria vuole che un bocciolo(bocòlo) di rosa rossa sia offerto a mogli, fidanzate, figlie come segno d'amore.
'L'usanza nasce dalla leggenda di Maria, figlia del doge Angelo Partecipazio, che si innamorò ricambiata del giovane Tancredi. Il sentimento dei due giovani era osteggiato dal padre di Maria, che non avrebbe permesso un tale matrimonio. Tancredi allora d andò a combattere in Spagna con l'esercito di Carlo Magno, per guadagnare fama: il padre così non avrebbe più potuto opporsi al loro amore. Tancredi partì e si coprì di gloria in guerra. Un triste giorno arrivarono a Venezia alcuni cavalieri francesi che erano stati guidati dal paladino Orlando, eroe caduto nella battaglia di Roncisvalle del 15 agosto 778 e celebrato poi nel famoso poema epico della Chanson de Roland. I cavalieri cercarono Maria per annunziarle la morte di Tancredi: colpito dal nemico, era caduto sanguinante sopra un rosaio. Prima di spirare, aveva colto un fiore e pregato l'amico Orlando di portarlo a Venezia alla sua amata Maria. Maria prese la rosa tinta ancora del sangue del suo Tancredi e restò muta nel suo dolore. Il giorno dopo, festa di san Marco, fu trovata morta con l'insanguinato fiore sul cuore.'
Da mia conscenza personale e per la leggenda da Varie fonti web
Since the end of the Second World War, in Italy, on this date, the Feast of Liberation from Nazifascizmo is celebrated, for which all the Italian antifascist parties and the 'Azionisti', that is the members of the Action Party, fought alongside the Allies.
But, the same day is dedicated to St. Mark the Evangelist, Patron Saint of Venice in which, as a centuries-old tradition, a red rosebud (bocòlo) is offered to wives, girlfriends, daughters as a sign of love.
The custom was born from the legend of Mary, daughter of the doge Angelo Partecipazio, who fell in love with the young Tancredi. The sentiment of the two young was opposed by Maria's father, who would not allow such a marriage.Tancredi, then, went to fight in Spain with Charlemagne's army, in order to gain fame: his father could no longer oppose their love. Tancredi left and covered himself with glory in war. One sad day some French knights arrived in Venice and were led by the paladin Orlando, a hero who fell at the battle of Roncesvalles on 15th August 778 and was celebrated in the famous epic poem of the Chanson de Roland. The knights searched for Maria to announce the death of Tancredi: hit by the enemy, he had fallen bleeding on a rosebush. Before he died, he had picked a flower and begged his friend Orlando to bring it to Venice to his beloved Maria. Maria took the rose still dyed with the blood of her Tancredi and remained mute in her grief. The next day, St. Mark's Day, she was found dead with the bloody flower on her heart.
Out of my personal knowledge and for the legend Since the end of the Second World War, in Italy, on this date, the Feast of Liberation from Nazifascizmo is celebrated, for which all the Italian antifascist parties and the 'Azionisti', that is the members of the Action Party, fought alongside the Allies.
But, the same day is dedicated to St. Mark the Evangelist, Patron Saint of Venice in which, as a centuries-old tradition, a red rosebud (bocòlo) is offered to wives, girlfriends, daughters as a sign of love.
The custom was born from the legend of Mary, daughter of the doge Angelo Partecipazio, who fell in love with the young Tancredi. The sentiment of the two young men was opposed by Maria's father, who would not allow such a marriage.Tancredi, then, went to fight in Spain with Charlemagne's army, in order to gain fame: his father could no longer oppose their love. Tancredi left and covered himself with glory in war. One sad day some French knights arrived in Venice and were led by the paladin Orlando, a hero who fell at the battle of Roncesvalles on 15th August 778 and was celebrated in the famous epic poem of the Chanson de Roland. The knights searched for Maria to announce the death of Tancredi: hit by the enemy, he had fallen bleeding on a rosebush. Before he died, he had picked a flower and begged his friend Orlando to bring it to Venice to his beloved Maria. Maria took the rose still dyed with the blood of her Tancredi and remained mute in her grief. The next day, St. Mark's Day, she was found dead with the bloody flower on her heart.
Out of my personal knowledge and for the legend from various web sources.
Ma, lo stesso giorno, è dedicato a S.Marco Evangelista , patrono di Venezia in cui come una tradizione centenaria vuole che un bocciolo(bocòlo) di rosa rossa sia offerto a mogli, fidanzate, figlie come segno d'amore.
'L'usanza nasce dalla leggenda di Maria, figlia del doge Angelo Partecipazio, che si innamorò ricambiata del giovane Tancredi. Il sentimento dei due giovani era osteggiato dal padre di Maria, che non avrebbe permesso un tale matrimonio. Tancredi allora d andò a combattere in Spagna con l'esercito di Carlo Magno, per guadagnare fama: il padre così non avrebbe più potuto opporsi al loro amore. Tancredi partì e si coprì di gloria in guerra. Un triste giorno arrivarono a Venezia alcuni cavalieri francesi che erano stati guidati dal paladino Orlando, eroe caduto nella battaglia di Roncisvalle del 15 agosto 778 e celebrato poi nel famoso poema epico della Chanson de Roland. I cavalieri cercarono Maria per annunziarle la morte di Tancredi: colpito dal nemico, era caduto sanguinante sopra un rosaio. Prima di spirare, aveva colto un fiore e pregato l'amico Orlando di portarlo a Venezia alla sua amata Maria. Maria prese la rosa tinta ancora del sangue del suo Tancredi e restò muta nel suo dolore. Il giorno dopo, festa di san Marco, fu trovata morta con l'insanguinato fiore sul cuore.'
Da mia conscenza personale e per la leggenda da Varie fonti web
Since the end of the Second World War, in Italy, on this date, the Feast of Liberation from Nazifascizmo is celebrated, for which all the Italian antifascist parties and the 'Azionisti', that is the members of the Action Party, fought alongside the Allies.
But, the same day is dedicated to St. Mark the Evangelist, Patron Saint of Venice in which, as a centuries-old tradition, a red rosebud (bocòlo) is offered to wives, girlfriends, daughters as a sign of love.
The custom was born from the legend of Mary, daughter of the doge Angelo Partecipazio, who fell in love with the young Tancredi. The sentiment of the two young was opposed by Maria's father, who would not allow such a marriage.Tancredi, then, went to fight in Spain with Charlemagne's army, in order to gain fame: his father could no longer oppose their love. Tancredi left and covered himself with glory in war. One sad day some French knights arrived in Venice and were led by the paladin Orlando, a hero who fell at the battle of Roncesvalles on 15th August 778 and was celebrated in the famous epic poem of the Chanson de Roland. The knights searched for Maria to announce the death of Tancredi: hit by the enemy, he had fallen bleeding on a rosebush. Before he died, he had picked a flower and begged his friend Orlando to bring it to Venice to his beloved Maria. Maria took the rose still dyed with the blood of her Tancredi and remained mute in her grief. The next day, St. Mark's Day, she was found dead with the bloody flower on her heart.
Out of my personal knowledge and for the legend Since the end of the Second World War, in Italy, on this date, the Feast of Liberation from Nazifascizmo is celebrated, for which all the Italian antifascist parties and the 'Azionisti', that is the members of the Action Party, fought alongside the Allies.
But, the same day is dedicated to St. Mark the Evangelist, Patron Saint of Venice in which, as a centuries-old tradition, a red rosebud (bocòlo) is offered to wives, girlfriends, daughters as a sign of love.
The custom was born from the legend of Mary, daughter of the doge Angelo Partecipazio, who fell in love with the young Tancredi. The sentiment of the two young men was opposed by Maria's father, who would not allow such a marriage.Tancredi, then, went to fight in Spain with Charlemagne's army, in order to gain fame: his father could no longer oppose their love. Tancredi left and covered himself with glory in war. One sad day some French knights arrived in Venice and were led by the paladin Orlando, a hero who fell at the battle of Roncesvalles on 15th August 778 and was celebrated in the famous epic poem of the Chanson de Roland. The knights searched for Maria to announce the death of Tancredi: hit by the enemy, he had fallen bleeding on a rosebush. Before he died, he had picked a flower and begged his friend Orlando to bring it to Venice to his beloved Maria. Maria took the rose still dyed with the blood of her Tancredi and remained mute in her grief. The next day, St. Mark's Day, she was found dead with the bloody flower on her heart.
Out of my personal knowledge and for the legend from various web sources.
Andy Rodker, , Petar Bojić, Ecobird and 31 other people have particularly liked this photo
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Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Erika AkireBeatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to BoroBeatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Joe, Son of the Rock clubMany Thanks for your very kind comment.
All the best, Bea.
La vue dans son ensemble est ravissante et adoucit les sens.
Bonne et agréable fin de semaine et prenez soin de vous.
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Malik Raoulda clubJe te remercie beucoup pour tes toujours belles paroles d'appréciation.
Bonen et agreable nouvelle semaine !
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to cammino clubGrazie mille !
Thank you also for the information. Wishing you a good evening.
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Rosalyn HilborneYour so nice and kind comment pleased me a lo!!
Wishing you a good week ahead !
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Ulrich John clubAlways so kind and nice to me!
Wishing you a very nice and safe week ahead .
vabbè mi rallegro con la tua foto così artistica e che richiama i tuoi colori .
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to MavìGrazie cara !
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubMy best thanks and wishes.
Admired in:
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to William Sutherland clubBeatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Annemarie clubgentilissima !
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Nora Caracci clubGRAZIE!
All the best this week Beatrice.
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubso many thanks for you very kind comment.
Have a very nice and sunny new week ahead!
the one and the other historical background.
Have a great week, and stay safe and well, Bea!
So may thanks to you for your so kind appreciation!
Wishing you a lovely week .Stay safe .
Un saluto speciale
E, istintivamente, visto la coincidenza delle 2 giornate, l'ho associato al 'bocòlo' veneziano, tradizione che amo molto.
Grazie di cuore, 'cuore rosso' .-), per il tuo bellissimo commento che rivela, come sempre, come sai leggere profondamente ilsignificato più intimo delle mie immagini.
Un saluto speciale da Bea.
Enjoy your day and stay healthy, Doug
merci beaucoup!***
I love the legend, so sad yet so romantic.
Beautifully done Bea. Have a good weekend.
E GRAZIE per la golden Stae!
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