Sebastião Salgado, Great Reportings, Indians from XINGU, Mato Grosso, Brasil

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Sebastião Salgado, Great Reportings, Indians from…

11 Feb 2009 2 6 1623
IV Fascicles Edition, by "VISÃO", Portuguese weekly magazine (Jan / Feb, 2006) (to acomplish his reporting Sebastião Salgado had been living at ALTO XINGU together with the indians, from July to September, 2005) Fascicle I, rituals and celebrations in one of the oldest paradises on Earth Fascicle II, photos of ancestral man's activities in the heart of the so called "green hell" Fascicle III, photos of local woman's inhabitants in communion with nature and establishing a complex magical relationship's net within Fascicle IV, pose portraits of some men and women living in the jungle and savannah of the ALTO XINGU, one of the most inaccessible and preserved areas on Earth

Sebastião Salgado, Indians from XINGU

18 Feb 2009 3 8 3326
The RITUAL FISHING at the Lagoon of Jenipavu is one of the highlights during the Amuricumã cerimonies. The men of the tribe Camaiurá reconstitute the legendary fishing that had been fatal for them provoking their transformation into pigs and the power take over by their ex-wives' partners. These indians don't eat meat of hot blood animals which is supposed to be the origin of their phlegm.

Sebastião Salgado, Indians from XINGU

18 Feb 2009 6 9 6636
COTOQUE CAMAIURÁ, the tribe's cacique, had agreed with Salgado to pose for the camera with his ritual paintings and posture full of dignity

Sebastião Salgado, Indians from XINGU

18 Feb 2009 4 3 6687
The AMURICUMÃ closing basicly consists of a collective dance by all women of the tribe Camaiurá. The guests from neighbour villages are also invited to show their choreographies.

Sebastião Salgado, Indians from XINGU

18 Feb 2009 6 8 4141
The camaiurás WOMEN paint their bodies among themselves for the closing ceremony of Amuricumã, which consists of a very popular feminine dance participated by various tribes from Alto Xingu.

Sebastião Salgado, Indians from XINGU

18 Feb 2009 1 2 1529
A DANCE exclusive for men is the central element of the Kuarup Festivity closing ceremony at Cuicuro village.

Sebastião Salgado, Indians from XINGU

18 Feb 2009 3 5 2046
The great CERIMONY KUARUP closing includes many ritual combats between men of the tribe Uaura and guests from neighbour villages. These fights last hours because each Uaura have to combat against all members of all other tribes.

Sebastião Salgado, Indians from XINGU

18 Feb 2009 8 8 2604
Every WOMEN of the tribe Camaiurá, of all ages, participate in the Amuricumá closing ceremony, which requires previous preparation and concentration.

Sebastião Salgado, Indians from XINGU

18 Feb 2009 7 4 3324
RAUL CAMAIURÁ & HIS FAMILY. The wife, Mapulu Camaiurá is the master of ceremonies of Amuricumâ. She is also the only wife Xamã in all Alto Xingu.

Sebastião Salgado, Great Reportings, Genesis Proje…

11 Feb 2009 1 1 787
IV Fascicles Edition, by VISÃO, Portuguese weekly magazine (Oct / Nov, 2006) (this reporting of Sebastião Salgado is integrated at the Genesis Project, focused on earth's paradises still preserved) Fascicle I, Dinkas from SUDAN, everyday life Fascicle II, Dinkas from SUDAN, people's faces Fascicle III, NAMIBIA Fascicle IV, BHUTAN

Sebastião Salgado, Dinkas from SUDAN, everyday lif…

01 Apr 2009 6 4 1098
The DINKAS are farmers during the rainy season. When the grass dry they abandon their villages and leave together with their great herds to look for pasture. When they find one they settle down in a camp. Since almost 50 years now the war status in the country has contributed to isolate this people from the world. They domestic their animals without any kind of violence sleeping at night all together in a perfect interweaving.

Sebastião Salgado, Dinkas from SUDAN, everyday lif…

01 Apr 2009 3 5 1006
By nightfall, at the AMAK camp, when the herd returns from pasture and night arrangements take place, the smoke of burning dung scares away the insects and augurs tranquil hours.

Sebastião Salgado, DINKAS from Sudan, people's fac…

01 Apr 2009 6 5 8733
The DINKAS live for livestock and the livestock for Dinkas. Men and animals cohabit at every camps' spaces, in such a way there is no mutual aggressiveness.

Sebastião Salgado, DINKAS from Sudan, people's fac…

01 Apr 2009 9 12 2402
SPONTANEITY. This is not a pose but a posture: the young Dinkas as this temporary resident girl at the PAGARAU camp, keeps a natural dialogue with no artificial harmony and elegant attitudes.

Sebastião Salgado, NAMIBIA (1)

01 Apr 2009 3 2 1865
SHEPHERD OF LIGHT. A woman from the ethnic group of HIMBAS keeps the horses of the tribe while they drink water from an excavated trunk, somewhere at the mountains that separate the valleys of FLUSS and HARTMANN.

Sebastião Salgado, NAMIBIA (2)

01 Apr 2009 1 4 1645
DESERT WITH SEA. The dunes of the Park NAUKLUFT unfold from the remote interior till the sea front as we were at a huge surreal beach 280,00 km length, 150,00 m width.

Sebastião Salgado, BHUTAN (1)

01 Apr 2009 4 4 1780
TRAVEL. An young girl in traditional dress of LINGSHI region travels between her location and CHEBISA, at Province of TIMPHU, the capital. The trail, rudimentary, never goes down 4.000,00 m height.

Sebastião Salgado, BHUTAN (2)

20 May 2009 7 5 1217
SEDUCTION. Distinguished by their beauty and assumed steadiness in directing familiar business, the women from the Province of GASA, like this one from the village of LAYA, adorn themselves with accessories of bamboo and interweave pieces of ram's wool and fur of yak in their hairdos.

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