Armando Taborda's photos

...thus closed they open as the thirst increases..…

04 Feb 2025 1 9
oldness is the antechamber of death writing reading or not even that are mere circumstances on the other hand the eternal night is coming and we wish for the light of one day at a time or not even that just the indecisive smile for the life we have left /// a velhice é a antecamara da morte a escrita a leitura ou nem isso são meras circunstancias outrossim a noite eterna vem aí e nós a desejarmos a luz de um dia de cada vez ou nem isso apenas o indeciso sorriso à vida que nos resta by Armando TABORDA, 2025 (image generated by ChatGPT/AI)

"The Last Supper of the Olympian Gods", my title

03 Feb 2025 6 11 23
(image generated by ChatGPT/AI)


02 Feb 2025 5 3 15
from 1912 to years 80 of 20th century, Madame CAMPOS and her empire of beauty salons (trade image)

...not all magnolias are white...

Green sign red sign, life and death in life's lane…

28 Jan 2025 11 11 30
oil painting on a big size canvas, from unidentified artist, at Lisbon Red Cross Hospital, 7th floor
28 Jan 2025 7 5 68
throughout life by afternoon end shadows on the ground are a part of the dream crawling into the night /// p'la vida fora ao fim da tarde as sombras no chão são parte do sonho rastejando prá noite by Armando TABORDA, 2025

This is what the first electric coffee mills were…


28 Jan 2025 6 5 27
wax sculpture, spontaneously made by a candle, drop by drop

There I go to Hermínia (storm over Lisbon)

Art Gallery The One

26 Jan 2025 8 7 30
vernissage at The One Palácio da Anunciada Hotel: bronze sculpture by Hans VARELA, oil on canvas by Abilio MARCOS, and the gallery director Gretta BALIN doing the exhibition and participant artists presentation

Depression Écowyn is coming

25 Jan 2025 10 13 37
image generated by ChatGPT(AI)

Model of Lisbon, 1755 (before the big earthquake)

18 Jan 2025 10 9 27
at Lisbon City Museum

A peacock about to take flight, like many who walk…

22 Jan 2025 6 1 58
I have always loved the words that resist the ultimate skin of legibility so I also love the cruel star that I reach by reading lips, when in the cold the breath clouds those who speak softly /// sempre amei as palavras que resistem à pele última da legibilidade como também amo a estrela cruel que alcanço lendo lábios, quando no frio o hálito anuvia a boca dos que falam muito baixo by Mar BECKER, on her Facebook page, 21.01.2025 (English translated by A.Taborda, 2025)
21 Jan 2025 3 7 59
I'm beginning to know myself. I don't exist. I'm the gap between what I'd like to be and what others have made me, Or half of this gap, since there's also life... That's me. Period. Turn off the light, shut the door, and quit that slipper noise in the hallway. Leave me alone in my room with the vast peace of myself. It's a shoddy universe. by Álvaro de CAMPOS, in "FERNANDO PESOA, FOREVER SOMEONE ELSE", selected poems, translated by Richard ZENITH, Edition Assírio & Alvim, 2008

Last days have been too much windy

..."by air never before sailed"...

7319 items in total