5 Rote Stühle

Bänke + Stühle

5 Rote Stühle

Rote Stühle

07 May 2014 2 6 417
Comacchio, FE, Emilia-Romagna

Stühlekonzert oder Konzertstühle

28 Jun 2014 19 21 716
Arqua Petrarca, Colli Euganei

...da hock dich hin...

die ROTE Bank

13 Mar 2015 11 12 904
Wildschönau, Schatzberg, Tirol, Österreich


08 Dec 2015 11 11 602
auf der Saône

Drei Bänke im Schnee

sit down please

08 Dec 2015 16 13 840
Am Ufer der Saône, Lyon

Antonius-Kapelle, Kaisertal

23 Feb 2015 25 19 1036
Kaisertal, Tirol Österreich

das rote Geländer

la sedia sotto la pioggia


03 Jul 2011 37 37 973
H F F - 17. Juni 2016 Der Zaun begrenzt die Ruine einer Romanischen Kirche, die Apsis, >nahe der *Fonti di Clintunno* ->->> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitunno - Pissignano, Perugia, Umbria, Italia oder ital.: > > https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitunno "Symphony In Blue" >> www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t7mO529zUg I spent a lot of my time looking at blue, The colour of my room and my mood: Blue on the walls, blue out of my mouth; The sort of blue between clouds, when the sun comes out, The sort of blue in those eyes you get hung up about. When that feeling of meaninglessness sets in, Go blowing my mind on God: The light in the dark, with the neon arms, The meek He seeks, the beast He calms, The head of the good soul department. I see myself suddenly On the piano, as a melody. My terrible fear of dying No longer plays with me, for now I know that I'm needed For the symphony. I associate love with red, The colour of my heart when she's dead; Red in my mind when the jealousy flies, Red in my eyes from emotional ties, Manipulation, the danger signs. The more I think about sex, the better it gets. Here we have a purpose in life: Good for the blood circulation, Good for releasing the tension, The root of our reincarnations. I see myself suddenly On the piano, as a melody. My terrible fear of dying No longer plays with me, for now I know that I'm needed For the symphony. I spent a lot of my time looking at blue-- No wonder that I blue it! [Kate Bush]

wer rät, was das ist

17 Jul 2016 21 17 796
Bier-Tische und -bänke

Zwei Flaschen - leer

13 Aug 2016 13 20 916
Inn-Fluss-Kilometer 215,2 ... gesehen am Inn-Damm, Bayern

... silenzio ...


04 Jun 2016 13 14 986
Tatzelwurmstrasse, Oberaudorf, Bayern

OO - Klo-Stuhl

auf der Speck-Alm* ... ;-)))

25 Sep 2016 34 48 1411
Speck-Alm 1.408m - Oberes Sudelfeld*, Oberaudorf, Bayern >- >>> www.speck-alm.de

178 items in total