
J.Garcia club

Posted: 16 Apr 2024

Taken: 16 Apr 2024

41 favorites     24 comments    301 visits

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301 visits

Gazes and Expressions

Gazes and Expressions
Many thanks for your visit, kind comments and fav

Kama 56, Taormina, HelenaPF, appo-fam and 37 other people have particularly liked this photo

24 comments - The latest ones
 Günter Klaus
Günter Klaus club
Das schaut richtig interessant aus,was da vom Plakat noch übrig geblieben ist liebe Judite,das wirkt mit diesen Blick :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,liebe Grüße Güni :))
8 months ago.
Makrofan club
Sieht klasse aus!
8 months ago.
Gudrun club
A very critical gaze! Fantastic!
8 months ago.
Mikus club
Gesichter und Blicke. Klasse gesehen.
8 months ago.
Nouchetdu38 club
Bien cadré! Belle idée photographique!!!!!!!
8 months ago.
Schussentäler club
gut gesehen und fotografiert
8 months ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
A nice bit of decollage Judite.............and well captured too. It's always interesting to see what is left of top poster and the others underneath and to try and work out what they were all about.
8 months ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Great find; well taken Judite.
8 months ago.
 Edna Edenkoben
Edna Edenkoben club
Well, that's just half an expression, I'd say ;-)
8 months ago.
Annemarie club
a very very nice find!
8 months ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
Großartige Entdeckung, Judite !
8 months ago.
 Walter 7.8.1956
Walter 7.8.1956 club
8 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Outstanding decollage!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
8 months ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Une superbe et excellente prise bien révélatrice et évoquante.
Bonne et agréable soiree paisible et salutaire.
8 months ago.
uwschu club
So ein Blick auf zerrissene Plakate lohnen sich immer, manchmal ergibt sich da ein ganz neuer Kontex
8 months ago.
 Guy Bacca (guybac)
Guy Bacca (guybac) club
Bien vu, bien pris, un excellent cadrage
8 months ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Fantastic find and an impressive decollage.
8 months ago.
 Patrick Brandy
Patrick Brandy club
L'effet de déchirure donne un certain charme a cette photo agréable journée.
8 months ago.
 Don Sutherland
Don Sutherland club
Outstanding capture.
8 months ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
well cropped!
8 months ago.
tiabunna club
A great find of this old poster.
8 months ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
dit doet altijd goed
8 months ago.
 le club des 5
le club des 5 club
très jolie street art, bonne semaine
3 months ago.
 Kama 56
Kama 56
Ça donne bien les différentes couches
7 weeks ago.

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