Electrical transformers box.

Barreiro street art

Electrical transformers box.

09 Jul 2015 2 1 290
On the backside of Miguel Pais street, Barreiro.

Electrical transformers box.

09 Jul 2015 2 2 302
On the backside of Miguel Pais Street, Barreiro.

New Year rising.

09 Jul 2015 3 2 312
Wall painting at Moinho Pequeno Square, Barreiro.

Old railway warehouse.

09 Jul 2015 4 1 414
At Recosta Street, Barreiro, with railways in between.

Good morning, Barreiro.

09 Jul 2015 3 283
Wall greeting at Bocage Avenue, Barreiro.

Flamingos' season.

09 Jul 2015 3 1 328
Wall at Bocage Avenue, Barreiro.

Painted bird eye view of Barreiro.

09 Jul 2015 280
At Bocage Avenue, Barreiro.

Yellow silhouettes.

09 Jul 2015 287
At Bocage Avenue, Barreiro.

"Good morning!"

09 Jul 2015 1 1 263
Pillar of viaduct over the railway, near Barreiro station.

Pillar of viaduct over railway and parking.

09 Jul 2015 1 1 257
Close to Barreiro railway station.

Amália Rodrigues.

09 Jul 2015 3 2 261
On pillar of viaduct over railway and parking, at Barreiro.

Odd aquarium.

09 Jul 2015 4 2 334
At Bento Gonçalves Avenue, Barreiro.

Dog pranks pirate symbol.

09 Jul 2015 4 1 381
"You shouldn't steal pirate's bone!" "Now it's dog's bone..." Located between Miguel Pais Street and Barreiro riverside.

Industrial Barreiro skyline.

24 Jul 2015 1 1 335
On wall of the railway company, at Republic Avenue, Barreiro.

Wall of the railway company.

24 Jul 2015 4 2 351
Parked cars didn't allow better angle. At Republic Avenue, Barreiro.

Wall of the railway company.

24 Jul 2015 4 3 366
At Republic Avenue, Barreiro.

On wall of the railway company.

24 Jul 2015 2 4 344
At Republic Avenue, Barreiro.

House of hidraulic engines.

09 Jul 2015 1 1 282
At Catarina Eufémia Park, Barreiro.

102 items in total