SV1XV's photos
Hallicrafters S-108
Vintage Hallicrafters model S-108 receiver, broadcast band plus three shortwave bands and bandspread on 5 amateur radio bands, 8 tubes, metal cabinet. Made In USA, circa 1959 - 1965 (Auction Item 247). Photograph by Joe Haupt uploaded on Flickr under a CC-BY-SA-2.0 free license.
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BBF57 (1998)
GREECE: Sheet BBF57 of 24 cinderella stamps (BB164 to BB187) issued for the Kifisseia'98 panhellenic philatelic exhibition. The stamps depict flags of various warbands used at the beginning of the Greek War of Independence (1821-2822). (p. 52)
QSL Pyrgos (1971) (F)
Broadcast QSL card confirming reception of Studio Monica over Pyrgos Broadcasting Station, Greece on 1349 kHz (AM), February 22, 1971 at 01:00 GMT, by Sune Martinsson in Sweden (address side).
QSL Pyrgos (1971) (B)
Broadcast QSL card confirming reception of Studio Monica over Pyrgos Broadcasting Station, Greece on 1349 kHz (AM), February 22, 1971 at 01:00 GMT, by Sune Martinsson in Sweden (message side).
QSL F6AKV (1971)
QSL card sent by F6AKV in France to W1LXG in the United States, confirming a 21 MHz CW contact on February 2nd, 1971. It bears a REF QSL stamp.
Poseidon of Livadostra: Official Hellenic Post card maximum (2017) with the bronze statue of Poseidon (Neptune), ca 500 BC, discovered in 1898 at a beach in Boeotia. Sent to Japan via postcrossing as GR-97580.
Russian Card Maximum with nuclear powered icebreaker ARCTICA (Арктика), received from Latvia via postcrossing as LT-898454.
Jamaica: postage stamp of 20c of 1983 commemorating WCY 1983 with a theme related to marine radio communications.
Black Orc (IE-243692)
"Black Orc" by Matt Dixon. From Fantasy Art 30 Postcards, Published by Ilex Press, 2012. Received as IE-243692 via postcrossing on June 16, 2023.
Advetizing potscard of McDonnell-Douglas aerospace corporation with a space theme received via postcrossing from Canada, with id CA-1342430.
"NASA Saturn Vehicles". Courtesy of San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive.
Public domain Flickr image in the SDASM collection (catalog #08_01227):
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postcard31 (SX-BEL)
Olympic Airways Airbus A300-605R SX-BEL, c/n 696, landing at Athens, September 1994. Photgraph by Henry Tenby, published August 1997, J.J. postcards, Switzerland . Postcard, own collection.
FIF1 - Alexander the Great
GREECE: Sheet of 18 different cinderella stamps (FI4 to F21), issued by Thessaloniki Prefecture Cultural Centre in 2005 with images relating to ancient Macedonian Kings Philip II and Alexander III the Great. (p. 189)
HAF 49-2620
RHAF C-47 49-2620 (cn 4481), possiibly during the Korean War.
Modern copy of vintage photograph, possibly retouched, own collection.
SwissPost WebStamp of CHF 1.80 with the callsign 4U1UN for United Station amateur radio club station in New York.
UAV over Kypseli
A nasty little drone (UAV) shooting aerial video for the visit of the Greek Prime Minister in Kypseli, Athens, Greece. (IMG_0403)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .
Kyriakos Mitsotakis - Kypseli
Greek Prime Minister addressing the local supporters of Nea Demokratia (New Democracy) party in Kypseli, Athens, Greece on May 13, 2023. (IMG_0394)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .
Greece 2023 EUROPA