
Léopold club

Posted: 13 Sep 2020

Taken: 14 Jul 2015

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Talons hauts, high heels

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705 visits

Danseuse des Darlings à 60 ans !

Danseuse des Darlings à 60 ans !
Avec / with permission.

Une amie de mon amie Hélène qui vient d'avoir 60 ans.

Voici ce que répond Hélène : Elle fait partie des danseuses des Darling's !!!!! un petit groupe.

Elle danse ici chez Hélène ayayaheee ! www.ipernity.com/doc/chevillard-halane/38913524

Hélène's friend who just turned 60. She is a dancer in the small group called the Darlings.
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J.Garcia, E. Adam G., Lebojo, Jeanne chevillard and 3 other people have particularly liked this photo

14 comments - The latest ones
Et bien vivement que j' ai 60 ans ;-))
9 years ago.
Léopold club has replied to Laurence
Tu es une belle jeune femme Laurence !

Je suis un jeune homme de 60 ans aussi hihi !
9 years ago.
 Levina de Ruijter
Levina de Ruijter
They're not exactly legs that you would associate with a 60 year old woman. Nice!
I like the little bows. :)
9 years ago.
Léopold club has replied to Levina de Ruijter
Ageless legs in a nutshell !

High heels help a lot to keep them Young I would say.

Merci Levna !
9 years ago.
j'adore les petits nœuds
9 years ago.
Léopold club has replied to Bernadette
Des nœuds qui dénouent les yeux !

Merci Bernadette au nom de notre Hélène !
9 years ago.
8 years ago.
Léopold club has replied to "seise"
Thanks for your wow comment Seise.
8 years ago.
╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
Thank you for sharing your beautiful capture with us.

Stunning Shots on Black
8 years ago.
Léopold club has replied to ╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
Thanks June xx
8 years ago.
J.Garcia club
Os lanços parecem pequenos passarinhos atrevidos!
Muito bonita, Léopold
4 years ago.
Léopold club has replied to J.Garcia club
Uma mulher de salto alto sempre me faz voar alto como um pássaro !
4 years ago.
 Laura Perinelli
Laura Perinelli
Hai barato sull'età..le sue gambe non sono certamente sessantenni..mentre i fiocchetti sono intriganti! Ciao Buona serata - Laura
4 years ago.
Léopold club has replied to Laura Perinelli
Non credo assolutamente che Helene stia mentendo sull'età di questa signora e sono sicura che queste siano le sue vere gambe. Puoi sempre andare a leggere le risposte di Hélène cliccando sul link a casa sua, grazie Laura.
4 years ago.

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