it's here

Northern Michigan

it's here

27 Aug 2009 16 5 2102
did you see it? where? below that ripple. it just came up for air. it's there right now. what is it? I dunno, but it was huge. how huge? huge enough that you would be no more than a light snack. ok, I've heard enough. I'm outta here. right behind you.


23 Aug 1982 24 10 3224
man, when will this fog ever lift? what gives you the idea that this is fog, son? well, I don't know. . . it looks like fog. it's them. make no mistake. they're here. them? it's gonna be a battle of civilizations, count on it. but. . . to the winner goes the spoils. in this case, earth. what are you talking about? you doubt me? just take a walk down the beach. there? you won't come back. at least not in human form. it can't be. stay and watch. it's definitely gonna be messy. but I'm on vacation! yeah. reality sucks, doesn't it? totally.

fishy reeds

14 Feb 2008 14 6 2197
what's fishy about it? can't you see? see what? the fish, ya moron. where? oh forget it.


30 Aug 2009 1 874
are you busy, Lord? for you, archangel? of course not. I thought you'd like to maybe visit your favorite lake. oh? and how is it doing these days? well, the humans haven't destroyed it yet. that's a shock. I thought we could go to the beach. hang out. you know. hang out? I'll bring the sand toys. goody. you're on.

Blue Monday

15 Aug 2010 23 9 1894
whaddya wanna do today, ernie? I dunno marty. whaddya wanna do? you wanna fire that atlas intercontinental ballistic missile we stole? ok. whaddya wanna do after that? I dunno. run like hell? yeah. we better eat first. good idea.

another lake sunset

29 Jul 2008 4 1 1355
they're comin' in low, sarge. yeah, I see 'em. can't hardly believe it. angels. hundreds of 'em! whatta we do now, sarge? we watch, and feel lucky.

pyramid point

17 Feb 2008 7 4 1982
you can almost see it. see what, louie? where we're going tomorrow. we're going out there? yeah, us and another guy. yeah? we going fishing? no, we're feeding the fish. what are we feeding them with? the other guy. he's gonna be fish food. interesting choice of occupations. actually, he doesn't have a choice. not a big surprise.

life is tough

15 Aug 2015 3 1 996
who brought the cookies? didn't you? what? you mean there's no cookies? I guess not. have an apple. damn it! I've been thinking about those oreos for hours! I feel your pain. don't mock me, woman. I wouldn't think of it.

antediluvian blues

29 Aug 1971 10 6 1660
your creation is taking shape, lord. yes, I think I might like this world. I hope so, lord. the last one was a total mess. what did you just say, archangel? I mean, it was the best, lord! the best! hmmm. ok. cue the volcanos. I like lava. me too, lord.

command post

20 Aug 2015 1 1 1240
we have them surrounded, sire. excellent. arm the ionizing narcolepser. at once, your worshipfulness. now the earthlings will feel my awesome power. as they should, your magnificence. pity they don't have exoskeletons like us. why, sire? I love crunchy food. well put, o wise one.


31 Aug 1990 51 9 3544
how are we getting there? we'll take the canoe. across the lake? it's not that far. will you paddle? sure. ok, hand me my pillow? and my drink, thanks. my pleasure, beautiful.

before time was time

05 Mar 2017 10 4 2973
sarge says we gotta take this guy in for questioning. don't get near him. he'll bite your head off. not a chance. look at him! he's petrified! I'm telling you, ed, watch out. how would you know that? I went to high school with him? he was notorious. you did? where? on arcturus3. yeah? so, you're like what, french? exactly.

passage to a lost world

23 Aug 2000 1 3 1120
is it far? we're almost there. what will it look like? like nothing you've ever seen before. will I like it? I promise you will. ok daddy.


28 Feb 2008 8 2 1533
be careful with that thing. what do you mean? it took forever to corral it. it's a beast. hey, man. it's petrified wood. it's dead. D.E.A.D. ok, I'm warning you. it'll bite your head off.


03 May 2017 13 1 1316
is it the end? not at all. just the beginning. the beginning of what? move over here and I'll show you. mmm. ok.


26 Jul 2008 5 1045
what's that tune? the thieving magpie by rossini, why? it's catchy, that's all. but where's it coming from? oh, those bugs. they like to play opera. bugs? playing opera? yeah, they think it messes with our heads. mess with our heads? they're bugs! sinister mothers, ain't they?

where the money is

09 Jul 2014 14 5 1926
geez, boss. how long we gonna stay on this road? what's the matter with you, curly? it's beautiful here. yeah, I know, but geez, boss, we been driving for hours. we'll get there when we get there. where we goin'? anyplace where there ain't cops. well, there's none around here. there ain't no banks, either. yeah, good point.

over here

13 Sep 2015 1 1 985
we're close. close? to what? I don't know, but I can feel it. well feel this: I'm starving, and we have no food. you are just so materialistic you know that? yeah. my body can only handle so much ethereal sustenance. you should try yoga. no offense, but I'd rather try a hamburger. me too.

138 items in total