Detroit City
safe house
watcha wanna do today, marty?
I dunno, mikey. watchoo wanna do?
wanna steal some h-bomb secrets?
again? nah, I can't. mom says I gotta be home.
yeah. me too I guess.
tomorrow though?
ok, sure.
scene of the crime
police line. no crossing.
I just want to know what happened in there.
I can't disclose that. it's too awful.
c'mon. give me something! I'm a reporter!
worst case I ever saw. that's all I can say.
did they catch whoever did it?
they know. but they don't care.
what? what do you mean?
I mean, a crime took place, and nobody cares.
was anybody hurt?
you could say that.
where's the body?
you're lookin' at it.
what? that? the building?
like I say. worst case I ever saw.
I think I may agree with you.
brand loyalty
I see 'em boss. 8th floor.
who's there?
it's rico and louie.
really? what are they doing here? they only work the tampa area.
gotta be a hit, right?
that's what they do.
so one of our clients decided not to use us, I guess.
so it seems. loyalty means nothing anymore.
gee. it makes me kinda sad.
me too. in an unemotional stone killer kind of way.
yeah, that's what I meant. for sure.
shock treatment
edna, do you know where I packed the battery acid?
it's in your other bag, stanley.
how about the jumper cables?
hmmm, I don't know. all I have here is the wet suit.
dammit, edna! well, I'll just call room service.
I'm sure they can run some up right away.
they better. my nipple rings are tingling already.
ooh, you devil.
room service
stanley? are you awake?
I am now dear, what is it?
I'm hungry. could you make me a little something?
but edna. it's 4 o'clock in the morning.
I know, but I need something.
what would you like?
oh, nothing fancy. you choose.
oh, ok.
and give the cat some food too, will you?
the cat?
I don't like eating in front of her.
sir! sector 9 is not secure!
unacceptable, sergeant. you hear me?
yes, sir!
you go room by room if you have to.
right, sir!
you flush out the enemy. we do not retreat. not now. not ever. got that?
got it, sir!
and watch where you aim those paintballs.
I just got this outfit back from the cleaners, and do not want it dirty. they did a nice job, didn't they?
yes sir! awesome, sir!
why'd you call it excalibur?
isn't it obvious?
not to me.
it's battle-hard, handed down from generations before.
but it's not a sword.
no, it's not. get over it.
what would king arthur say?
he'd say, can I drive it?
yeah, he probably would.
damn right.
secret mutant experimental lab
master, I think we've been spotted.
what? impossible! I've taken every precaution.
perhaps, master, yet. . .
out with it, igor!
well, remember when we moved here from new jersey? and you wanted someplace secluded, surrounded by beautiful trees?
well, master. it's these windows.
what windows?
master, it's a greenhouse! anybody can see in!
we failed to take that into account, I'm afraid, along with the fact that we happen to be in the middle of a rather large city .a most unfortunate by-product of clear glass.
how did that happen?
strange, isn't it? but now the press has been calling for you day and night.
it has? and what have you told them?
oh nothing, master. but your interview is set for tomorrow.
interview? heavens! you better make me an appointment with my stylist.
of course. in the meantime, shall I prepare the next human subject?
by all means! that's what we do, isn't it?
indeed, master. I'll just ask the gawkers at the windows to, you know, move along.
good idea. see if any would like to, you know, volunteer. we're running low on corpses. I mean, subjects.
yes, master.
cell meeting
who chose this place for our meeting?
I did. it's nice, eh?
yeah, now I see why my party dues went up.
we are united with the people, comrade.
obviously only the best people.
well, it's finally finished.
what's finished?
my masterpiece. just look at it. it's. . . monumental.
hey! you didn't paint that, you fraud! diego rivera did that!
I know that! you think I don't know that? I'm not talking about that!
what then?
this. see?
what? it's just an empty coffee cup.
right! I finished it! and I hate coffee!
I gotta hand it to you. you've got guts.
to finish my coffee?
no. to waste my time on your bullshit.
body snatchers
they're all loaded.
good. hit the road. we've got a lot of deliveries tonight.
yeah. fresh pods. for fresh humans.
they'll never know what happened.
right. they're asleep. asleep and unaware.
ok, get going. we still have work to do.
by next week, this planet will be ours.
go on. we're not done yet.
you know there's rats in there.
yeah? what's your point?
I wouldn't wanna work in a place has rats.
so don't. they don't bother me none.
give me the creeps.
thing is, the guys are looking for a 4th for poker.
oh, well, that would make a difference.
that's how I look at it.
this is where we're meeting gino?
yeah. and the boss says don't be late.
geez, it's huge. where we meetin' him?
I dunno. first we gotta figure out how to get in.
yeah, there ain't exactly a valet.
no room service either.
sensory deprivation
watch our backs.
there's nobody here, man.
they're here, all right. I can feel it.
what if they catch us?
too horrible to consider.
they're that bad?
hey, they're not human, remember?
where do they come from?
don't know. but their tentacles give me the creeps.
our leader
o fearless leader, we bow to your magnificence.
bow all you like, slave. I'm hungry. where's my cookies?
your sycophant, marvin, ran out to the store for some.
well he better get back here soon. I have a craving.
we worship your cravings, o horrible one.
speaking of which, where's what's her name?
you mean, sally, lord?
yeah, her. get her over here. tell her to wear that cute little number. you know, the one I like.
with the polka dots?
yeah. oh man, it's totally irresistible. and goes perfect with cookies.
if you say so, o voracious one.
private, set up a checkpoint. that's enemy territory. don't let anyone get by you.
no one sir?
absolutely no one.
not even the general? he's over there, waving at us.
the general? with the enemy?
shall I let him cross, sir?
of course, private. and don't bother me with questions again.
I hope there's no more generals over there.
me too.
we are over the target city, sir.
ok. open the bomb bay doors.
bombs away.
you sure this is the target?
what do you mean?
you think those are buildings down there?
aren't they?
oh what the hell. let's get outta here.
inner sanctum
you sure we're supposed to be in here?
no, but be quiet. they'll hear you.
what is this place?
it's their temple. where they decide the fate of the world and everyone in it. nobody's ever seen it.
you mean, we're the first?
yeah, there's supposed to be riches galore in here.
what about food? they got any here? I'm starved.
I hear they make awesome cookies.
you have big pockets? grab all you can.
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