
honeyj club

Posted: 03 Jul 2019

Taken: 17 Feb 2010

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Climate Change

Climate Change
good morning, herr doktor.
good morning, my boy. did you notice how warm it is today?
yes, it's brutally hot out there.
it's my ozone collector! it's working, collecting prodigious amounts of ozone, to store in my unique pressure chamber.
are you saying. . .
yes! it is I who now controls the climate!
but why would you want to do that?
to be king of the world! ha ha!
but what will happen to the earth?
earth? a minor footnote in the history of the cosmos!
that sounds a little extreme, doktor, I mean. . .
I'll be rolling in money! it's party time!!
oh my god. I fear for the planet.
I'm gonna shake that. . . er, what do you call it?
you mean, booty?
yes! it must be shaken!

appo-fam, goandgo, Dimas Sequeira, Fred Fouarge have particularly liked this photo

 Dimas Sequeira
Dimas Sequeira club
Splendid stained glass windows! It's a pity the decaying stucco. Honest approach, yours.
5 years ago.

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