GoSloMo's photos

P2110711 (2)

22 Oct 2022 3 2 98
The start of autumn.


04 Oct 2022 7 5 109
HFF everyone. The light is not too good on this one but autumn colour is just visible.

HFF everyone

22 Oct 2022 8 6 125
The river Tyne (north east England) in full flow with a high tide and a large amount of rain. The wooded area across the river is the south side.


04 Oct 2022 9 3 144
........I think?! This was the largest of many - larger than a tennis ball. The fly was large too - not seen one with legs this long before - approx 4cm in length.

HFF everyone

25 Sep 2022 7 12 120
This is the rear view. It looks a lot better at the front - on the main street through Wallsend, NE England.

Green Parakeet

28 Jul 2022 4 3 105
A pair of these lovely birds live in the woods around my house. They escaped captivity a few years ago and these will now be a few generations on from the first escapees. The english climate has not bothered them. Quite a large bird approx 45cm from head to tip of tail. Their eyes are piercing and so is their screeching call.

HFF everyone

16 Jul 2022 7 6 118
A rather boring fence but the foliage will soon hide it!! HFF

Knottgrass moth caterpillar

27 Sep 2022 5 4 134
Found this on a rose leaf in my back garden. Not sure about the ID. It is approx. 2cm in length and has fastened itself to the leaf with silk.

Long tail...........

28 Jul 2022 3 3 110
........longest I have seen on an insect. Have not had time to look through my ref. books yet.

Waiting to jump.....

02 Jul 2022 1 113
......or fly. No ID yet.


02 Jul 2022 1 112
Time to consult my ref. books

Curls galore

10 Sep 2022 76
Lots of hairy bits too. It looks lovely from a distance and lovely up close.

Sharp and soft

10 Sep 2022 3 2 76
A leafy contrast. One sharp and one softly bejewelled.

HFF everyone

29 May 2022 7 7 97
In need of repair. I seem to have got a spot of rain on the lense! HFF everyone.

HFF everyone

05 Jun 2022 7 4 102
A lovely verdant walk. This summer in England has been lush and green - the best I have seen. HFF

HFF everyone

16 Jun 2022 2 1 89
Between the park and the back yards.

Verdant and highlighted with sun

03 Jun 2022 7 4 92
This fence is in a lovely location. HFF everyone

Does my bum look big in this?!

29 May 2022 5 4 91
Bee in a White Dead Nettle flower.

100 items in total

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